

最後更新日期 : 2024-01-08

境外生中文特別班 Chinese Courses for International Degree Students (CIDS)

🕕 課程簡介 Course Introduction:

境外生中文特別班(以下簡稱中特班)係本校國際處委託本中心辦理之通識課程,針對本校境 外生設計規劃,旨在協助本校外籍學生提升中文能力,以協助其解決學校課業和在臺生活所面 臨的語言問題並助其早日融入臺灣社會。
Chinese for International Degree Students (hereinafter as CIDS Courses) are General Education Courses offered by the Office of International Affairs (OIA) and conducted by the Chinese Language Center (CLC) in NCKU. CIDS Courses are designed for international students to enhance their Chinese abilities for better communication in academic and everyday matters.

🕕 課程分級 Class Level

  • 共分 6 個程度,每星期上課 2 小時,共計 18 個星期
    There are 6 levels in the CIDS Courses. Each course meets 2 hours per week, totaling 18 weeks.
  • 每堂課程人數上限 17 人
    The maximum number of students for each class is set to 17 to achieve better results in learning/teaching a foreign language.
  • Lv.1-Lv.4:一般語言課程 General Language Courses
    Lv.5-Lv.6:主題語言課程 Topic-based Language Course

🕕 申請資格 Who is eligible to apply?

  1. 國際學位生 International Degree Student
  2. 校級交換生 University-Level Exchange Student
  3. 世界百大學校之非校級交換生 College-Level or Department-Level Exchange Students from TOP 100 Universities

If you want to register in a CIDS course, please complete the application on this site before the deadline and also enroll in the course online from the university enrolment system following schedule announced by the Office of Academic Affairs.
請注意 Notes:
僑生若欲修習 CIDS 課程,可先塡寫課程申請表,但須待本校國際教育組審核通過後方可進行修課。香港、澳門及中國大陸之僑生不具備中特班修課資格。
Overseas Chinese Students who would like to take a CIDS course should first pass the verification of the Division of Study Abroad, NCKU before filling out the application. Students from Hong Kong, Macau, and the People’s Republic of China are not eligible for these courses.

🕕 如何申請 How to apply?

中特班的申請為學期制,每個學期都必須塡寫課程申請表始得修課。課程申請一律採網路申請, 請於開放階段塡寫報名表單。若超出 5 個工作天仍未收到通知,請主動聯絡華語中心。華語中心 收到申請表後約 3-5 個工作天會寄出課程申請確認通知。只有收到確認通知才算成功申請!若超 出 5 個工作天仍未收到通知,請主動來信聯絡華語中心。
The application of CIDS is accepted by semester and will be conducted online. CLC will review the application and send the confirmation within 3-5 working days. Only if you receive the confirmation would it mean your application is successful. If you still do not receive any confirmation email after 5 working days from your application, please take the initiative to contact the CLC Office.

新生申請共開放 2 個申請梯次續讀生開放 1 個梯次
There will be 2 application stages for New Students and 1 application stage for Continuing Students.
►塡寫申請表請點此 Link for Application Form:

新生(從未修過中特班 CIDS 課程)New Students (who have never taken any CIDS Course before)
■ 第一梯次申請 1st Application Stage for New Students

開放申請時段 Application Period:2023. Dec. 18 ~ 2024. Jan. 12
程度公告 Level Announcement:Jan. 24
線上選課階段 Online Course Enrollment:Jan. 29 ~ Feb. 2

■ 第二梯次申請 2nd Application Stage for New Students

開放申請時段 Application Period:Jan. 15 ~ 17:00, Feb. 2
程度公告 Level Announcement:Feb. 16
線上選課階段 Online Course Enrollment:Feb. 26 ~ Mar. 1

續讀生(曾修過中特班 CIDS 課程)Continuing Students (who have taken CIDS Course before)
■ 第一梯次申請 1st Application Stage for New Students

開放申請時段 Application Period:2023. Dec. 18 ~ 2024. Jan. 12
程度公告 Level Announcement:Jan. 24
線上選課階段 Online Course Enrollment:Jan. 29 ~ Feb. 2

🕕 分班測驗 Placement Test

曾有 6 個月以上中文學習經驗之新生或欲跳級之續讀生皆須進行線上分班測驗。您的班級程度將 依分班測驗結果決定。一次測驗須支付新台幣 350 元,繳費資訊及方式將於開學後以 Email 方式 通知。
New students who have learned Chinese/Mandarin more than 6 months or continuing students who would like to skip level are required to take the Online Placement Tests. The result of your placement test will determine your class level. It will be an online test and cost TWD350 per time. The payment information will be provided via email after the semester begins.
請注意,分班測驗一經完成即須付費。未完成分班測驗將視同未成功申請 CIDS 課程。若本學期已 完成測驗但因故無法修課者,下學期申請課程時不需重新測驗並請於備註說明曾於何時完成測驗。
Please note that the placement test fee will be charged once the test has been completed. To register for the CIDS Course successfully, you must complete the test, or the application will be regarded as invalid. If you have completed the placement test but cannot take the course due to some reasons this semester, you do not need to re-take the placement test when applying for the next semester. Please indicate when did you take the test and the level you get when you are filling the application form for the next semester.

🕕 選課說明 How to get enrolled

中特班課程已登錄本校課程資訊及選課系統(https://course.ncku.edu.tw/index.php),請學生於成 大選課期間配合時程表自行上網加選課程。
Please refer to the Class-Level Announcement for your level and enroll in the course by yourself using to NCKU Course Information & Enrollment System (https://course.ncku.edu.tw/index.php) within the given schedule.

每門課程人數上限為 17 人,額滿即不開放加簽亦不開放旁聽。
Each class has a maximum capacity of 17 students. Once the maximum capacity is reached, no further requests for adding or auditing the course will be accepted.

🕕 選課前重要提醒 Important Reminds

  1. 自 110 學年度起,每位境外生至多可修課 3 學期(6 學分)之免費中文課程,大學部學生採計其通過之學期數;研究生(碩、博士班)採計其修課紀錄(不論通過與否,只要有選課即算紀錄; 退選亦會算入紀錄)
    Each degree student can take up to 3 semesters (6 credits) of CIDS Courses. For undergraduate students, only pass-course records are counted. For graduate-program students (MA/Ph.D), we will count all course enrollment records, whether or not the course is passed. Even if you drop the course, it will still be counted.

    根據成功大學相關學則規定,修畢本課程之大學部學生,其中 4 學分可用於抵免大學必修之「大學 國文」,多餘的學分於歷年成績單上將列入修習紀錄,但不列入畢業學分計算;研究生(即碩、 博士生)修習大學部課程所得之學分將不列入其畢業學分之計算中,但仍會列載於成績單上。
    According to the regulations and guidelines of NCKU, Undergraduate students who have completed and passed the CIDS course can use the earned 4 credits to waive the mandatory "College Chinese" requirement. However, the remaining 2 credits will not be considered for the credits required for graduation but will still be recorded on the transcript. For MA or Ph.D. students, the credits earned from the CIDS course cannot be used in the calculation of required credits for graduation, yet it will still be listed on the transcript.
  2. 為滿足每位境外生至少 2 學期(4 學分)的選課需求,選課系統設有 2 學期的選課限制。第三學 期的修課申請一律採人工加簽方式辦理。欲修第三學期中特班課程的學生須於開學第一周塡妥特殊因素選課申請單並於登記截止前繳交至華語中心辦公室。若欲加簽的課程尙有名額則於特殊因素選課階段進行人工加簽。
    To ensure that each International Degree student can enroll in the CIDS courses for at least 2 semesters (or 4 credits), the Course Enrollment System has established a 2-semester limit. However, the 3rd semester of the CIDS Course will require manual registration. Students who would like to take their 3rd semester of CIDS courses should fill in the Registration Form for Course Enrollment Under Special Circumstances during the 1st week of the semester and submit the Form to the CLC Office by the deadline. The CLC will only process the registration request if seats are available during the Special Circumstance Course Enrollment Stage.
  3. 中特班課程已登錄本校課程資訊及選課系統(https://course.ncku.edu.tw/index.php),請學生於 成大選課期間配合時程表【自行】上網透過系統加選課程。每門課程人數上限為 17 人,採先選先贏制。課程十分熱門,額滿即不開放加簽亦不開放旁聽。
    Please note that you will need to add the CIDS Course by yourself using the NCKU Course Information & Enrollment System (https://course.ncku.edu.tw/index.php) during the designated online enrollment period. Each class has a maximum capacity of 17 students, and enrollment is on a first-come, first served basis. Once the maximum capacity is reached, no further requests for adding or auditing the course will be accepted.

    Please pay attention to the course application or enrollment deadline. Students will take full responsibility if they miss the enrollment deadline due to personal negligence.

🕕 聯絡資訊 Contact Information:

陳玫螢 Uriel Chen
Email: urielchen@mail.ncku.edu.tw
Phone: +886-6-2740715 or +886-6-2757575 #52040
Website: https://sites.google.com/gs.ncku.edu.tw/nckuclccids/
Chinese Language Center, College of Liberal Arts, NCKU
