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2024.04.19 Updated
Those who receive scholarships or grants for international students offered by Taiwanese governmental agencies are not eligible to receive this scholarship. Any recipients of this scholarship found to be acting in violation of this rule will be disqualified from receiving this scholarship, and must return the funds they have already received.
US dollars to New Taiwan dollars is approximately 1:30 When issuing the scholarship, the amount of money will be given in NT$.
1. University Scholarship
1. NCKU Elite Doctoral Scholarship
- Following by the NCKU International Student Scholarship Guidelines, (applicable for enrolling in the 2024 fall semester and after).
- Eligibility: Full-time PhD students in years 1-4 of their program
- Scholarship content: Recipients will receive a monthly stipend of NT$33,000, which includes NT$25,000 from the university and NT$8,000 from the recipients’ advisors; and the waiver of tuition fees, course credit fees.
- Nominees do not need to submit any application documents for this scholarship. Potential recipients are to be nominated and to be selected as award recipients by the departments.
2. NCKU Distinguished International Student Scholarship
The NCKU Distinguished International Student Scholarship follows by the National Cheng Kung University Implementation Guidelines for International Student Scholarships, (applicable for enrolling in the 2024 fall semester and after).
For Undergraduate:
(1) Tuition fee waive, exclude miscellaneous fees and enrollment fees, and a monthly scholarship of NT$8,000.
(2) Tuition fee waive, exclude miscellaneous fees and enrollment fees
For Master's:
(1) Basic tuition fee waive, exclude credit fees and enrollment fees, and a monthly scholarship of NT$10,000.
(2) Basic tuition fee waive, exclude credit fees and enrollment fees.
For Doctoral:
(1) Basic tuition fee waive, exclude credit fees and enrollment fees, a monthly scholarship of NT$16,000, and NT$4,000 from the recipients’ advisors.
(2) Basic tuition fee waive, exclude credit fees and enrollment fees, and NT$2,000 from the recipients’ advisors.
How to apply:The University International Student Admissions Committee will review the application documents to evaluate the scholarship opportunity for the first academic year. Applicants do not need to submit any additional application documents for this scholarship, and the award information will be mailed along with the admission letter. For renewal applicants, the students have to follow National Cheng Kung University Implementation Guidelines for International Student Scholarships and apply again.
1. Students with an employment status on their ARC or a work visa are not eligible to receive any of the above scholarships.
2. Recipients who defer admission will be disqualified from the granted scholarship and reviewed again on the returning semester.
3. Undergraduate scholarship applicants: Departmental evaluations must include a video interview.
4. Graduate and Doctoral Departments applicants: Departmental evaluations must include a video interview. Applicants must have already secured a thesis/dissertation advisor. If, due to special circumstances, a scholarship recipient has not secured an advisor upon enrollment, they must do so no later than the beginning of their second semester to remain eligible for the award.
5. About scholarship termination/loss of eligibility, please refer to National Cheng Kung University Implementation Guidelines for International Student Scholarships (
3. International Merit Students in Mathematics and Science, and Business Achievement Scholarship (Bachelor program applicants only)
- Based on the NCKU Guidelines for NCKU Guidelines for Implementing the International Merit Students in Mathematics and Science, and Business Achievement Scholarship.
- This applied to foreign students and overseas compatriot students who won awards from an NCKU-designated "overseas mathematics and science, and Business competition" within three years prior to their admission into an NCKU undergraduate program.
- The Scholarship program will begin from the month when the recipient enrolls in NCKU and end when the recipient graduates, withdraws from NCKU, is suspended or expelled. The maximum period that any recipient may hold the Scholarship is based on the regulated study years for undergraduate programs. Those who study during their extended years of study are not eligible to apply for the Scholarship.
- Scholarship Categories and Amounts for new students, each recipient will receive a monthly scholarship for 12 months with an approved exemption of tuition and miscellaneous fees. Scholarship amounts vary as follows:
Mathematics and Science
Level 1 (ranked in 1-15): a monthly scholarship of NTD$12,000.
Level 2 (ranked in 16-50): a monthly scholarship of NTD$10,000.
Level 3 (ranked in 51-75): a monthly scholarship of NTD$8,000.
Level 4 (school representative in competition): a montly scholarship of NT$5,000
Level 1 (ranked in 1-15): a monthly scholarship of NTD$12,000.
Level 2 (ranked in 16-30): a monthly scholarship of NTD$10,000.
Level 4 (school representative in competition): a montly scholarship of NT$5,000
Note: About continuing student application, scholarship termination/loss of eligibility, please refer to NCKU Guidelines for Implementing the International Merit Students in Mathematics and Science, and Business Achievement Scholarship (
4. NCKU Dept./ Inst. Scholarship Information
Various available scholarship provided by the dept./inst., the scholarship is subjected to change yearly, please refer to the latest Admission Prospectus for International Students, or you my contact dept./inst. directly for further information.
2. Off-campus Scholarship
1. Taiwan Scholarship
- This scholarship is offered by the Taiwan government (Ministry of Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Ministry of Science Technology).
- How to apply: For application guidelines and forms, types of scholarship and quotas, as well as information regarding the selection process and outcome announcements, applicants may directly contact the relevant Taiwan Embassy or Representative Office. Please refer to the MOFA website for the nearest embassy or representative office.
- Scholarship program office website, please visit:
- Important Requirement: For detailed required document (including language proficiency certificate), please refer to "Taiwan Scholarship Program Guidelines", article V. For scholarship guidelines, please vsit:
2. MOE Elite Scholarship
- Eligibility: Doctoral/Master's degree-seeking applicants who are currently university lecturers or professors.
(Fall admission applicants) South and Southeast countries in Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Bhutan.
(Fall or Spring semester admission applicants) All African countries.
- Duration of Scholarships:
3 years (in Doctoral programs /reviewed annually)
2 years (in Master's programs /reviewed annually)
- Amount of Scholarship: NT$300,000 / year (Around US$10,000 / year)
- How to Apply: Complete and submit the admission application, those received admission candidates need to finish registraion with Registrar Division. OIA will provide the list of candidates to MOE for final reviewing.
- Required eligibility:
(1) An up-to-date lecturer certificate (English version), as in the employment certificate.
(2) To African applicants, please provide either an up-to-date Lecturer certificate or a three-year (or above) university Researcher Employment Certificate with research publications or papers.
3. International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF) Higher Education Scholarship Program
- The Taiwan ICDF has established the Taiwan International Cooperation Alliance (TICA) with its partner universities, setting up an operational platform under this TICA framework to manage and improve the scholarship program. NCKU has been cooperating with Taiwan ICDF from 2007 for the International Master's Programs in Civil Engineering and Management and Natural Hazards Mitigation and Management.
- How to Apply:
Applicants should complete Taiwan ICDF online application and submit the documents to the ROC (Taiwan) Embassy/ Consulate (General)/ Representative Office/ Taiwan Technical Mission or project representative in their country. Applicants must ensure that they submit accurate and complete documentation; failure to do so will result in the application not being processed. Please also note: Late submissions will not be accepted and/or processed.
4. Pilot Program Scholarship
- Scholarship supported and offered by National Science and Technology Council (NSTC)-NSTC Selection 2025
- Recipient Eligiblity:
- First-year Ph.D. student enrolled in the first semester of one's current year (including registrations in February and September, 2025)
- Excluding (1) 1 st year doctoral student with a full-time paid job (2) students with status from Hong Kong, Macau and Mainland China (3) Students suspending their study while retaining student status or failing to finalize registration procedures (4) Students receiving scholarship provided by other relevant government agencies.
- Application Period: October 1 (Tue.) ~ November 15 (Fri.), 2024
- Submisison Link: NSTC selection, applicants should log in the Academic Research Service Portal: within the specified period, and complete the online submission. For more information, please refer to NSTC website.
- Amount and Duration: Each fellowship recipient will be granted a montly sitpend of NT$40,000 for a period of up to 3 years. starting from the frist year of Ph.D. program. Stipend for thoase who graduate less than three years shall last until the month of graduation.
- Detailed pilot scholarship program information: file:///D:/C%20BACKUP%201081129/Downloads/2025.pdf
5. E.Sun Bank ASEAN Scholarship
- Purpose: The E.Sun Volunteer & Social welfare Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the Foundation) promotes talent exchanges with ASEAN countries and encourages outstanding ASEAN students to come to Taiwan to study. With the purpose of cultivating outstanding talents of ASEAN with international professionalism and competence, the Foundation specially set up the E.Sun Bank ASEAN Scholarship.
- Eligibility: An applicant who holds a citizenship of Cambodia, Vietnam or Myanmar applies for a master's degree and is admitted to a partner school may apply.
- Scholarship amount: Awardee receives total NT$100,000 for one academic year, distributed in two semesters.
6. NCKU Butterfly-ASEAN Scholarship
- Purpose: With the purpose of cultivating outstanding talents of ASEAN with international professionalism and competence, the Vietnam Yongyuan Foundation invited Guangtai Metal Industry Co., Ltd. and Ronggang Material Technology Co., Ltd. to cooperatively support and provide the university's outstanding Vietnamese students with living allowances through this special establishment-NCKU Butterfly-ASEAN Scholarship.
- Eligibility: All degree students of NCKU who hold a Vietnamese nationality, with the exclusion of under the status of overseas Chinese students and who have held the Republic of China (ROC Taiwan) nationality.
- Requirements: Eligible applicants are those enrolled at NCKU as international students who have completed their first semester of study at NCKU and achieved both 80 or above of an average academic grade and conducting score in the previous academic semester.
- Number of awards: A maximum of 6 students per academic semester.
- Scholarship awardee receives a total of VND20,000,000 / NTD30,000 at once.
- Applicants shall submit an application to the International Student Affairs Division under the Office of International Affairs during the period from November 1st to November 30th in the fall semester, or during the period from May 1st to May 31st in the spring semester.
- For more application information, please refer to International Students Affairs website.
7. NCKU Industries Collaboration Scholarship
NCKU links with internationl companies in cooperating in the Cultivation to outstanding talents and provide internships or job opportunities, please refer to the latest Admission Prospectus for International Students, the scholarship is subject to change according to each program deadline.