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Scholarships (Degree programs)

update date : 2025-01-20

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2024.04.19 Updated

Those who receive scholarships or grants for international students offered by Taiwanese governmental agencies are not eligible to receive this scholarship. Any recipients of this scholarship found to be acting in violation of this rule will be disqualified from receiving this scholarship, and must return the funds they have already received.
US dollars to New Taiwan dollars is approximately 1:30  When issuing the scholarship, the amount of money will be given in NT$.

1. University Scholarship

1. NCKU Elite Doctoral Scholarship

2. NCKU Distinguished International Student Scholarship

3. International Merit Students in Mathematics and Science, and Business Achievement Scholarship (Bachelor program applicants only)

4. NCKU Dept./ Inst. Scholarship Information

2. Off-campus Scholarship

1. Taiwan Scholarship

2. MOE Elite Scholarship

3. International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF) Higher Education Scholarship Program

4. Pilot Program Scholarship

5. E.Sun Bank ASEAN Scholarship

6. NCKU Butterfly-ASEAN Scholarship

7. NCKU Industries Collaboration Scholarship

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update date : 2025-01-20