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International Contract Signing





Scholarship & Financial Assistance Application Form

Overseas Chinese Students(OCS)

Application Form of OCS under Poverty Line (odtdoc)


Application Form of Student Aid of OCAC.R.O.C  (odtdocpdf)  


Application Form of Jireh Scholarship  (odtdoc

Mainland Chinese Students(MCS)

NCKU Excellent Mainland Chinese Students Scholarship (odtdocpdf)



Residence & Immigration

Hongkong & Macao Students(HMS), 

Foreign Nationals

Taiwan ARC

Application Form of Entry and Residence/Permanent Residency for Naturalization in Taiwan Area (pdf /doc /odt)

Application Form for Entry/Exit Permit to Taiwan Area (pdf /doc /odt)


Confirmation Letter of Hong Kong and Macao Residents Identity (pdf /doc /odt)


Letter of Attorney (pdf)


Application Form of Residence Extension (pdf /doc /odt)

Overseas Chinese Students(OCS) ARC

Multi-Purpose Application Form For Foreigner (pdf /doc /odt)

Mainland Chinese Students(MCS)

Application Form of Entry/Exit Permit Extension/Endorsement/Renewal  (pdf /doc /odt)


Application Form of Entry/Exit Permit to Taiwan Area for Mainland Chinese People(Special for Mainland Chinese Students)(pdf /doc /odt)


Exit Agreement (pdf)


Letter of Attorney(他人代辦) (pdf)


Letter of Attorney(Special for Mainland Chinese Students)(學校代辦) (pdf)