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Direct Admission Application

update date : 2024-07-25

Eligible to Apply:

  1. NCKU is only in-charge of the Direct Admission Program of Overseas, Hong Kong and Macao students for the Bachelor Degree . For Master and Doctoral Degree, please apply through University Entrance Committee For Overseas Chinese Students.

  2. Please confirm your status is an Overseas Chinese, Hong Kong,  Macao, or other foreign Chinese student.

◆Overseas Chinese Students

1. Those who were born overseas and have resided continuously since date of application, or have recently resided overseas for more than 6 years. (Those who applying for the School of Medicine, Dentistry and Chinese Medicine must have accomodation for more than 8 consecutive years)

2. Students of Chinese descent who have obtained permanent or long-term residence permits in the place of residence.

*The term "overseas" refers to countries or regions other than Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau.

◆Hong Kong and Macau students

1. Those who have recently resided abroad for more than 6 consecutive years. (Those who applying for the School of Medicine, Dentistry and Chinese Medicine must have accomodation for more than 8 consecutive years)

2. Residents of Hong Kong or Macau who have obtained permanent residence certificates but do not hold foreign passports.

*The term "overseas" refers to countries or regions other than Taiwan.

◆Chinese Students with Foreign Nationality from Hong Kong and Macau

1. Students of Chinese descent who have recently resided in Hong Kong, Macau or overseas for more than six years.

2. Possess foreign nationality and have permanent residency status in Hong Kong or Macau.

3. Not having household registration in Taiwan.

Important Schedule [NEW]

Application of Direct Admission 2025

Announcement of the Admissions Guide

2024 Jul. 17 (Wed)

Period for the online application

2024 Aug. 8 14:00 to 2024 Oct. 8 13:59

Announcement of the application result

2024 Dec. 30 (Mon) 14:00

Deadline for the applicants to enroll

2025 Jan. 3 (Fri) 13:59

Announcement of the admission

2025 Jan. 6 (Mon) 14:00

*The time mentioned above follows the Taiwan Standard Time (GMT +8)


Admissions Guide

Direct Admission Guide 2025 for the Overseas Chinese, Hong Kong and Macao Students [NEW]

List of Departments

Introduction of the Departments [NEW]

Application System

Application System Website (open for application on 8 Aug)

Instruction of Using the Website

Fee of Application


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