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Incoming Exchange Application Notice

update date : 2025-03-18

* NCKU AY2025-26 Fact Sheet (Click to download)

Department Requirements for Exchange Students at NCKU, 2025-2026 Academic Year (Click to download)

Language exam CEFR Alignments (Click to open)

Guidelines to Credit Transfer between NCKU and Foreign Higher Educational Institutions for Exchange Students (Click to open)

NCKU Transcript Guide (Click to open)

Application Deadline for Fall 2025: April 10, 2025

Application Deadline for Spring 2026: October 8, 2025

incoming-Academic Information


Overview of NCKU

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), established as “Tainan Technical College” in 1931, has transformed into one of the most established comprehensive universities in Taiwan. NCKU has 9 colleges, College of Liberal Arts, College of Science, College of Engineering, College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Planning and Design, College of Management, College of Medicine, College of Social Sciences, College of Bioscience and Biotechnology,  Miin Wu School of Computing, and Academy of Innovative Semiconductor and Sustainable Manufacturing, offering undergraduate programs,  master’s programs, doctoral programs, and programs for working professionals.


City: Tainan (Population: 1,855,655)

Country: Taiwan  (Population: 23,233,593)


187 hectares (461.9 acres)

Language of Instruction

Chinese mainly; English prevalent at the graduate level

Academic Calendar

There are two semesters in one academic year. The first semester (Fall) begins around the middle of September and ends around the middle of January; the second semester (Spring) begins around the middle of February and ends around late June. Between semesters are the summer and winter vacations.


List of Departments


Course Information

Course Catalogue


Courses offered previously at NCKU can be reviewed by selecting a semester of a certain year. Please note that academic year 110 means AY2021 (adding “1911” gets the AD year) and semester 1 means the fall semester and semester 2 the spring semester.

One may narrow down the search with various conditions available on the page. Courses taught in English can be found with the “Courses Taught in English” button.

Students are allowed to take courses offered by other departments/institutes, in addition to those of their own departments/institutes. Also, they can take courses of different program years and levels. Undergraduate students may take graduate courses as long as the providing professors set no restrictions. Likewise, graduate students may take undergraduate courses, but the credits won’t be counted in the total credits earned (will still be shown on the transcripts).

Language Course

Exchange students may take a Chinese language course (2 hours per week) at their own levels by taking a placement test. Instruction will be sent during its enrollment period.

Academic Transcripts

Transcripts will be posted to the corresponding office of students’ home universities. It will be done 1-2months after the semester ends.





Student Exchange Program

Office in Charge

Division of Study Abroad, Office of International Affairs (OIA)


Prof. Shu-Ying Wang, Director of Division of Study Abroad (Department of Microbiology and Immunology)


Division of Study Abroad (SA)

Office of International Affairs

National Cheng Kung University

No.1, University Road, Tainan City 701, Taiwan (R.O.C.)





Application Procedure and Dates


Coordinators of partner universities, please fill out the nomination sheet online (URL to be provided through email)


April 1 for the coming Fall Semester (September - January)

October 1 for the coming Spring Semester (February - June)

NCKU Online Application

Nominated students shall complete their applications at the NCKU Exchange Portal by the due date. The online application URL can be obtained from your exchange coordinator.

Fee-paying exchange students will need to email the program at em50961@email.ncku.edu.tw for access to the NCKU online application portal.


April 10, if students will study in the Fall Semester (September - January)

October 8, if students will study in the Spring Semester (February - June)

Admission Notification

An admissions decision will be determined 4-6 weeks after the application closes. Students will receive the admission result via e-mail.


Application Requirements

Application Materials Required (Softcopy, for All Departments)

1. Passport Photo (JPG, <5MB) Please provide a photo that corresponds to the guideline.

2. Official Enrollment Certificate (PDF, <5MB)

3. Latest Official Transcript in English* (PDF, <5MB)
*Postgraduate students' transcripts should include both undergraduate and graduate records.

4. Autobiography* (PDF, <5MB)

*An autobiography could be a combination of a short statement about yourself and of your resume. It is preferable to have a focus on your academic path.

5. Study Plan for the exchange period (PDF, <5MB, preferably including your course list.)

6. Recommendation letters (PDF, <5MB, at least  2 letters, dated and signed by the referees.)

*The documents should include  the referees' names and titles in print.

6. Financial Statement Issued by a Bank / Financial Institution (PDF, <5MB)

*A financial statement is to verify that the student has at least NT$100,000 available for one academic year, or NT$50,000 for one academic semester to support his/her exchange period financially.

7. Passport’s Information Page (PDF, <5MB)

8. Photo ID, both Sides (PDF, <5MB, required for Chinese nationality only.)

9. Certificate(s) of Chinese language or English language proficiency (PDF, <5mb, optional.)

10. Other Supporting Documents (PDF, <30MB, optional.)

*Other documents required by departments should be submited to this section.

11. Confirmation Page (PDF, <5MB) 

Students can download and print the Confirmation Page from the application portal, NCKU Online Application, AFTER they complete the requirement of the system. The  Confirmation Page   has to be proofed and signed by the applicant, and then to be signed by his/her exchange coordinator of the home university (fee-paying students can skip the coordinators’ signature). When finished, a scanned copy of this document should be uploaded to the portal to complete the application. If you find any errors on your  Confirmation Page, you may mark the error(s) on the printout before you submit it online. We will update your application accordingly on your behalf.


*All materials shall be prepared in the form of clear & colored scanned copy of the originals and be submitted to the NCKU Online Application. No mailing of the original documents is required.

Department Requirements for Exchange Students at NCKU, AY2025/2026

(MUST READ. Please click to review)




Application Deadline for Spring 2025: October 10, 2024


On-Campus Housing

After applications are approved by NCKU, applicants will be prompted by email to sign up for on-campus accommodation online. Please note that space of the on-campus accommodation is not guaranteed, and students will be responsible for their own housing expenses, unless specified differently in an agreement. 

NCKU Housing Service Division

Off-Campus Housing

Prince Dorm (Website)

Although Price Dorm exclusively serves NCKU students, it is privately owned and operated by Prince Housing & Development Corp. Therefore, NCKU cannot arrange off-campus housing for students. Students must contact Price Dorm directly for accommodation inquiries or visit the official website to register for a room.

Other Off-Campus Housing Options

Students can explore the following off-campus housing rental platforms to arrange their own accommodations. Please note that these platforms are not managed by NCKU, and students should handle the process on their own.


incoming-Cost of Study and Living Expenses Estimates


Application Deadline for Fall Spring 2025: October 10, 2024

Tuition Fees

In accordance with bilateral student exchange agreements in place between NCKU and the partner universities, an exchange student, with nomination, needs to pay tuition fees to his/her home university and does not have to pay tuition at the host university, NCKU. Students, who apply without nomination, or are from universities with no bilateral agreements with NCKU, will pay tuition fees to NCKU as a foreign student. Please click the tuition schedule for details.

Cost of Housing

Ching-Yeh 3 Dorm: NT$16,590 per semester (subject to change)

Off-campus: NT$6,000-$12,000 per month

Living Cost

Meals and other living expenses may range from $6,000 to $10,000 NT$ per month, depending on individual lifestyles.



incoming-Health Insurance


Application Deadline for Fall Spring 2025: October 10, 2024


Mandatory NCKU Student Group Insurance

Students are required to join NCKU student group insurance at around NT$260 for one semester upon registration.
Students exchange for one academic year will pay for the second time upon their second semester start.

Private Overseas Insurance

All exchange students need to purchase their own overseas insurance, which includes the health and accident coverage for the exchange period, in their home country before departure. A copy of valid insurance summary needs to be certified by our Bureau of Consular Affairs (BOCA) to be accepted at the registration of NCKU. One has to otherwise purchase an insurance coverage during the registration at NCKU, if he/she arrives without his/her own insurance.


incoming-Health Exams


Application Deadline for Spring 2025: October 10, 2024

Health Exams

Students will be required to submit their health check-up forms for the NCKU admission. Details will be provided after their acceptance by the program.





 Application Deadline for Spring 2025: October 10, 2024


Please be advised not to enter the country with a landing visa (inextensible), whose 90 days’ period will not cover one semester. Students will be responsible for all visa-related fees.

Visitor Visa for Foreign Students

Exchange students must apply for a Taiwan (ROC) visitor visa with annotation “FS” followed by the name of the host university, prior to entering Taiwan. More information can be found at our Bureau of Consular Affairs (BOCA)

Resident Visa for Foreign Students

Exchange students, who will stay for two semesters and hold ordinary passports or other legal travel documents, may apply for a resident visa. After entering the ROC with resident visa, please apply for an “Alien Resident Certificate” (ARC) within 15 days. More information may be found at Bureau of Consular Affairs (BOCA)

Taiwan Entry Permit for Students from Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau

PRC nationals need to obtain a special type of visa, Taiwan Entry Permit, to enter Taiwan. NCKU will process the application on behalves of the students after acceptance.

Hong Kong or Macau residents, holding Hong Kong or Macau IDs may apply for a Taiwan Entry Permit on their own at Taipei and Economic Office (HK).



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