1. Head Shot Photo (JPG, <5MB) Please provide a photo that corresponds to the guideline.
2. Official Enrollment Certificate (PDF, <5MB)
3. Latest Official Transcript in English* (PDF, <5MB)
*Postgraduate students' transcripts should include both undergraduate and graduate records.
4. Autobiography* (PDF, <5MB)
*An autobiography could be a combination of a short statement about yourself and of your resume. It is preferable to have a focus on your academic path.
5. Study Plan for the exchange period (PDF, <5MB, preferably including your course list.)
6. Financial Statement Issued by a Bank / Financial Institution (PDF, <5MB)
*A financial statement is to verify that the student has at least NT$100,000 available for one academic year, or NT$50,000 for one academic semester to support his/her exchange period financially.
7. Passport’s Information Page (PDF, <5MB)
8. Photo ID, Both Sides (PDF, <5MB, required for Chinese nationality only.)
9. Other Supporting Documents (PDF, <30MB, optional.)
*Applicants, who are required to provide their portfolios of work, should submit the files here.
10. Confirmation Page (PDF, <5MB)
Students can download and print the Confirmation Page from the application portal, NCKU Online Application, AFTER they complete the requirement of the system. The Confirmation Page has to be proofed and signed by the applicant, and then to be signed by his/her exchange coordinator of the home university (fee-paying students can skip the coordinators’ signature). When finished, a scanned copy of this document should be uploaded to the portal to complete the application. If you find any errors on your Confirmation Page, you may mark the error(s) on the printout before you submit it online. We will update your application accordingly on your behalf.
*All materials shall be prepared in the form of clear & colored scanned copy of the originals and be submitted to the NCKU Online Application. No mailing of the original documents is required.