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Transnational Study & Research Scholarship Grants

update date : 2024-05-10


The 113 annual review steps are as follows. Applicants must submit the application according to the time specified in the first or second point of the application below. Overdue applications will not be accepted:


Review echelon First Application Round Second Application Round
Review deadline 5/31 10/31
Review type Exchange, double degree Exchange, double degree
Notification time of review result Late July Late December


The application instructions are as follows:

  • Exchange students and overseas dual degrees
  1. To apply for exchange students and overseas dual degrees: Before May 31 of the year of going abroad for autumn classes, and before October 31 of the year before going abroad for spring classes. Overdue will not be accepted.
  2. Those who apply for exchange but cannot take credits at the exchange school (Eg: Special research students at Nagasaki University, Japan), please apply for short-term training instead.
  3. The contract "NCKU Law Association Signs Joint Scholarship Agreement" has expired and the plan has been ended.
  4. Application link:
  • Short-term training
  1. To apply for short-term training : Application adopts review system; Apply one month before departure date; Overdue will not be accepted. 
  2. 「Exclusive application link for Short-term research / intern」:http://management.oia.ncku.edu.tw/transcholarship/index/index/applyIntlscholarshipSn/5  (Exculde Dual degree and Exchange student )


Subsidy Regulation The main points of the students' cross-border two-way study award and bursary subsidy【please click for details】


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