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113 Overseas Student ASE Recruitment Orientation

113 Overseas Student ASE Recritment Orientation

Are you eager to embark on an exciting career journey in the semiconductor manufacturing industry?

Do you want to achieve excellence with a global leader in the semiconductor field?

Join ASE Semiconductor Manufacturing Recruitment Orientation!!!

Learn more about ASE's job opportunities, corporate culture, and growth prospects!


【詳細資訊 | Information】

活動對象 | Participant : 本校境外生、僑生、港澳生(不限科系&學位) NCKU International students, Overseas Compatriot Students, Hong Kong and Macao students (For all majors and degrees)

活動日期 | Date : 2024/06/05 WED

活動時間 | Time : 13:10-15:15

活動地點 | Location : 太子文旅3樓C廳 Academy Hotel 3F Hall C (No.2,Dasyue Rd.,East District. Tainan City 701,Taiwan)

報名連結 | https://forms.gle/KmyoEe75MDnQrarf7

報名日期 | Registration date : 2024.5.30 - 2024.6.2 Sun. 5:00 p.m.

【活動行程 | Schedule】

13:10-13:30 報到 Check In

13:30-14:30 ASE徵才說明會 ASE Recruitment Orientation

14:30-15:00 Q&A

15:00-15:15 Fill out feedback Form

【注意事項 | Notice】

英文演講 English lecture

免費參加,名額有限 Attend free, registration is limited

提供點心乙份 Providing one dessert

如有問題 , 歡迎詢問 If you have any question, please feel free to contact us

成功錄取者會另外收到Email通知 Successfully admitted candidates will receive additional email notifications

【聯絡資訊 | Contact】

國立成功大學 國際事務處 境外生與學人事務組

Office of International Affairs National Cheng Kung University

Overseas Students and Scholars Affairs Group

黃小姐 Ziv Huang

Tel : (06) 275-7575 # 50470

E-mail : 11208128@gs.ncku.edu.tw

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