【全球優秀青年學子來臺蹲點計畫 Taiwan Experience Education Program (TEEP)】
Since 2015, Taiwanʼs Ministry of Education launched the Taiwan Experience Education Program (TEEP) to encourage international students to participate in short-term professional internship organized by Taiwanese universities and colleges. TEEP helps international students have an in-depth experience in Taiwan and helps them prepare for the Asian job market.
Taiwan’s ministry of education provides each participant with a monthly subsidy of NT$12,000 up to 6 months during the internship period.
The internship can last up to 6 months, with students able to arrange their schedule based on their academic requirements.
The start date for the internship will be determined according to the official website: https://teep.studyintaiwan.org/about
Undergraduate and graduate students of foreign nationality.
- 申請流程 Application and Matching Process
Find your desired program on the website and reach out the PI via email.
Programs are listed at: https://teep.studyintaiwan.org/search/CHENG%20KUNG
【外籍高階人才來台實習專案 International Internship Pilot Program (IIPP)】
計畫簡介 Introduction
To accelerate the development of key science and technology (S&T) fields in Taiwan, the NSTC has introduced the international Internship Pilot Program (IIPP). This program provides foreign students with the opportunity to engage in R&D activities at top local research institutions, along with living subsidies. Interns can gain access to our cutting-edge labs on Taiwan's island of Silicon'. In the long run, we anticipate continued collaboration with international S&T talents, fostering valuable networking and connections that will drive the advancement of industries.
專案內容重點 Internship Content
- 實習期間Internship Period:
We understand that the school terms in each nation will vary in their start and end dates. Therefore, interns may begin their internships, lasting from 28 days to 90 days, at any time between June 2025 and February 2026. However, the starting date for the internship in Taiwan should be no later than December 2025.
- 申請資格Eligibility:
Bachelors, masters and PhD students with foreign nationality (excluding Mainland China, Hong Kong & Macau) studying in foreign colleges and universities and whose specialty meet the core strategic industries can apply.
- 補助期間及額度Internship Quota and Subsidies:
The maximum quota is set at 600 individuals. Interns will receive NT$1,000 subsidy (approximately USD 30) per day for an internship period ranging from 28 to 90 days.
- 申請期程Application Date:
2025年1月6日至2025年9月15日。Start from January 6, 2025 to September 15, 2025.
*Please check the application deadline of each batch. The 15th of each month is the deadline for matchmaking for each batch. For example: March 15th for the June 2025 batch, April 15th for the July 2025 batch, and so on.

- 申請流程Application and Matching Process:
All candidates must complete and submit application online: https://iipp.tw/
※其他注意事項 Important Notes
- 除不可抗力或簽證因素,實習生收到錄取通知後,不得請求變更或展延實習期間。
Except for force majeure or VISA issuing reasons, Interns who have been issued IIPP acceptance letter cannot request to change or extend the internship period.
- 實習生應自行負擔來台簽證費、機票費、住宿費、保險費等個人費用。
Interns themselves are responsible for covering expenses such as airfare, visa fees, accommodation, meals, insurance, etc.
- 建議實習生在到達台灣前,於原國家購買旅平險,加強實習期間之保障。
Please purchase your travel insurance, which covers medical emergencies and accidents, in your home countries before departing for Taiwan.
- 建議實習生可攜帶約500美金,以備不時之需。
It is strongly suggested that Interns should carry USD 500 in case you need it in an emergency.
- 獲補助者,同一補助期間不得兼領其他本國政府單位之補助。
The interns are not allowed to receive funding from other government departments during their internship.
NCKU IIPP Mentors/Jobs: https://iipp.tw/institute/29
For more information of International Internship Pilot Program (IIPP), please visit: https://iipp.tw/
Email: iipp@narlabs.org.tw
Tel ( The query from student ): +886-2-2737-8136
【TEEP 全球優秀青年學子來臺蹲點計畫】
二、蹲點學門領域以六大核心戰略產業(資訊及數位、資安卓越、臺灣精準健康、綠電及再生能源、國防及戰略、民生及戰備等) ,5+2產業創新計畫(「智慧機械」、「亞洲‧矽谷」、「綠能科技」、「生醫產業」、「國防產業」、「新農業」及「循環經濟」計畫)及五大信賴產業(半導體、人工智慧、軍工、安控、次世代通訊)為主。
二、計畫補助額度以招收外國青年來臺蹲點人月數*新臺幣1.2萬元為下限,1.5萬元(擴大生源型) / 2.5萬(產學合作型)為上限之原則辦理。業務費支用(含獎學金發放以及其他所有支用)以來訪學生之實際來訪月數*獎學金最高額度為上限,並非逕以教育部補助核定額度為上限,申請前請注意此點。
五、計畫規定請點此。 徵案通知請點此。
- 計畫申請提問:教育部國際及兩岸教育司 吳亞君 研究員,Mail: jennie@mail.moe.gov.tw,電話:02-77365645
- 申請系統提問:財團法人高等教育國際合作基金會 陳俊叡(Ryan)專員, Email: ryanc@fichet.org.tw,電話:02-2322-2280 #126
- 本校窗口:國際教育組陳小姐,em50961@email.ncku.edu.tw ,分機:50935
【外籍高階人才來台實習專案 International Internship Pilot Program (IIPP)】
!! 114年度計畫徵件中 !!
- 實習生實習期間:
- 計畫主持人申請方式:
欲提報實習職缺之計畫主持人即日起可至IIPP計畫網站( https://iipp.tw/),線上申請註冊帳號,並填妥相關實驗室資訊。後續待IIPP辦公室審查通過後,實習生即可於IIPP計畫網站查閱計畫主持人資訊,並投遞職缺。相關IIPP媒合流程可先參考下圖。待媒合完成、國科會完成確認後,將發送核定公文給本校,實習生屆時可再持核定公文辦理簽證。

- 實習原則:
- 計畫主持人業務費:
- 計畫主持人需掌握實習生抵達狀況、出勤日期;此外,實習生於實習期間需繳交報告,系統會根據實習期間自動發送提醒信,原則上實習生每月21日須繳交報告(最後一份報告則須於實習結束前5天繳交),計畫主持人須於平台確認報告內容並簽署核准。
- 有關實習生實習金之發放:
- 待實習生結束實習後,計畫主持人須繳交IIPP辦公室所需結案文件至國際處。
- 有關計畫申請、系統提問,請洽外籍高階人才來臺實習專案計畫(IIPP)辦公室
Email: iipp@narlabs.org.tw
Tel ( The query from PI): +886-2-2737-7415
- 本校核發實習金窗口: 國際處國際教育組 陳姿蓉(Ms. Jennifer Chen)
Email: em50961@email.ncku.edu.tw
分機: 50936