VIS Company Sharing
VIS will accept on-site resume submissions during the event. Attendees are encouraged to bring their resumes.
活動日期 | Date : 2024/10/15 Tue.
活動時間 | Time : 12:45-13:45 (12:30 Registration)
活動地點 | Location : 太子文旅三樓會議廳Academy Hotel 3F
活動對象 | Participant :本校僑、外生 NCKU International students
Electronics, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, chemistry, materials, semiconductors, information management, and other engineering and science disciplines.
12:30-12:45 報到 Registration
12:45-13:45 世界先進公司簡介 VIS Company Sharing
13:45~ Q&A
報名期限|Registration Link:
報名日期 | Registration date: 2024.10.04 - 2024.10.09 16:00 pm
【注意事項 | Notice】
- 英文說明會 English briefing session
- 免費參加,名額有限 Attend free, registration is limited
- 提供餐盒Offer meal box
- 成功錄取者會另外收到Email通知 Successfully admitted candidates will receive additional email notifications
【聯絡資訊 | Contact】
國立成功大學 國際事務處 境外生與學人事務組
Office of International Affairs National Cheng Kung University
Overseas Students and Scholars Affairs Group
郭鈺琳 Calista Kuo 小姐
Tel : (06) 275-7575 # 50469
E-mail :