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【Call for Application】NCKU SATU-JRS Continuous Funding

NCKU SATU-JRS Continuous Funding


為鼓勵本校教研人員主動與國外學者交流,發展長期研究合作,本校為SATU校長論壇Joint Research Scheme (JRS) 共研計畫之成功媒合案提供延續研究經費補助,最高可獲得業務費和資本門總共新台幣80,000元,說明如下: 

In order to encourage long-term research cooperation, NCKU launches the SATU-JRS Continuous Funding to give further support for NCKU project investigators of the SATU Presidents’ Forum JRS matched projects. The program provides subsidies of a total of NT$80,000 of each successful applicant.

 ()補助對象 Eligibility

2020-2022年期間之SATU JRS共研計畫成功媒合案之主持人(PI),且成功媒合團隊中的共同計畫主持人 (Co-PI) 必須至少有一位來自臺灣以外之SATU會員校。

The applicant should be a NCKU Project Investigator (PI) of a research project matched through the Joint Research Scheme (JRS) during 2020-2022, and at least one Co-Project Investigator (Co-PI) works in a non-Taiwan SATU member university.


 ()補助金額 Funding Amount

  1. 符合計畫申請資格者最高可獲得新臺幣80,000元之補助,包括
     Successful applicants of this funding scheme will be provided with financial support up to NT$80,000, which comprises:
    1. 業務費新臺幣40,000元;及
       Operational expenses of NT$40,000, and
    2. 資本門新臺幣40,000元
      Device expenses of NT$40,000

      2. 每位成功申請人不論JRS成功媒合案數目,可獲補助額上限皆為新臺幣80,000元。
          The maximum funding amount is NT$80,000 for each successful applicant, regardless of the number of JRS matched projects s/he hosts.

()如何申請 How to Apply
Application materials include:

  1. 申請表 
     Application Form 
    [按此下載 Download
  2. 高教深耕計畫經費細項分配表 
     Higher Education Sprout Project Budget Allocation Form 
    [按此下載 Download
  3. 可另外提供其他有利申請補助之文件
     Other Supplementary document, if any


請於621()或以前將上述資料寄至 satu @ ncku.edu.tw,郵件標題請註明「[JRSC]_申請人姓名」。
Please send the materials as listed above to satu @ ncku.edu.tw by 21 June 2023 (Wed), with email subject “ [JRSC]_name of applicant.” 
The result will be announced on 11 July 2023 (Tue).


()注意事項 Important Note

  1. 獲補助之申請人須於112年12月15日或之前提交成果報告書。
     Successful applicants shall submit a completion report by 15 December 2023
  2. 為增加本校研究資源分配廣度,如補助申請人於同一申請年度獲得其他成大研究補助,國際事務處保留將所獲補助金額作相應調整的權利。
    To allow the NCKU resources to reach out to a wider scope of NCKU members, if the successful applicant also receives other NCKU funding in the same year, the Office of International Affairs reserves the right to adjust the awarded amount to the applicant concerned.
  3. 如有未盡事宜或任何歧義,概以本校國際事務處詮釋為準。國際事務處保留更改條款之權利。
    Any other matters not abovementioned are subject to interpretation of the NCKU Office of International Affairs. The Office of International Affairs reserves the right to revise the terms of the funding program.

(五)查詢 Enquiry
國際事務處 李菀君小姐 | Ms. Charlotte Li, Office of International Affairs 
 satu @ ncku.edu.tw | 06-2757575 ext. 50960 


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