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【Call for Co-PIs】SATU 2023 Joint Research Scheme (JRS) – Call for Co-PI Applications

【SATU 2023 Joint Research Scheme (JRS) 共研計畫 - 招募共同主持人(Co-PIs)】
【SATU 2023 Joint Research Scheme (JRS) Call for Co-PI Applications】 

本年度SATU校長論壇 Joint Research Scheme (JRS) 共研計畫現正為研究案招募共同主持人(Co-PI),倘老師有意與東南亞及南亞之學者共組研究團隊,擴展合作網絡,請於4月19日或以前按以下所述方式提交Co-PI申請。


Joint Research Scheme (JRS) 共研計畫於2012年開展,為SATU校長論壇營運之研究人員媒合平台,旨在為論壇來自臺灣、東南亞及南亞超過100所會員校的教研人員進行媒合,共組團隊進行跨國研究。過去兩年,JRS總共徵得超過1,100件研究案,當中成功媒合案達826件,媒合成功率超過70%



本年度我們共徵得570件研究案,來自馬來西亞、新加坡、印尼、印度、泰國、越南及台灣。研究案領域包括:Bioscience & BiotechnologyElectrical Engineering & Computer ScienceEngineeringLiberal ArtsManagementMedicinePlanning & DesignSciencesSocial Sciences。研究案清單及詳細資料請到2023 JRS共研計畫網站 PI Project List (PI研究案清單) 查看。



  1. 前往 2023 JRS共研計畫網站
  2. 查閱PI Project List (PI研究案清單)中各研究案的資料,記下您有興趣參與的研究案編號 (Project Code)
  3. 419日以前2023 JRS共研計畫網站 填寫Co-PI申請表」,並提供以下資料:
  1. 履歷表,當中需列出過去5年內發表的項目
  2. 您希望參與的研究案編號 (Project Code)

Co-PI申請期限為2023419,之後所有Co-PI申請都會寄予研究案的主持人(PI) 進行媒合。媒合結果將在2023518日在計畫網站上公佈。

2023 JRS共研計畫網站(查看PI研究案清單提交Co-PI申請):請按此

查詢:SATU校長論壇國際秘書處   李菀君 Charlotte

+886-6-2757575 ext.50960 | +886-6-2099250 | satu @ ncku.edu.tw

SATU 2023 Joint Research Scheme (JRS) – Call for Co-PI Applications

The SATU Presidents’ Forum 2023 Joint Research Scheme (JRS) is now calling for Co-Project Investigators (Co-PIs) from member universities, for research projects submitted by Principal Investigators (PIs). If you are looking for opportunities to team up with researchers from South and South East Asia and Taiwan, the JRS is the right resource for you!

¿What is Joint Research Scheme (JRS)? ¿

The Joint Research Scheme (JRS) was launched by the SATU Presidents' Forum in 2012 as a matching platform for scholars from all SATU member universities to establish international research collaborations, and has been a very important academic collaboration platform for NCKU researchers. The JRS received more than 1,100 research proposals in the past two years, of which 826 were successfully matched, reflecting a matching rate of over 70%.

The JRS matching started with the call for PI research proposals, and has now proceeded to the stage of calling for Co-project investigator (Co-PI) applications. The PIs will then be invited to select the Co-PI(s) for the proposals and start the collaborations.

¿The Research Proposals within the JRS¿

This year, we have received 570 projects from researchers from India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan and Vietnam. The project fields include Bioscience & Biotechnology, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Engineering, Liberal Arts, Management, Medicine, Planning & Design, Sciences, and Social Science. Further details can be found in the PI project list at 2023 SATU JRS Website.

¿To Submit Your Co-PI Application¿

If you would like to join the JRS research projects as Co-Project Investigators (Co-PI), all you need to do is:

  1. go to 2023 SATU JRS Website
  2. Identify the projects of your interest in the “PI project list”, and jot down the respective project codes.
  3. By 19 April 2023, complete the “Co-PI application form” also at the 2023 SATU JRS Website, for which you will need to:
  1. upload a CV with a list of all papers or works published in the past five years
  2. indicate the project code(s) of projects of your interest in the form

The application will be open until 19 April 2023. All applications will then be sent to the PI(s) for review. The matching results will be announced on the JRS website on 18 May 2023.

2023 SATU JRS Website and to submit your Co-PI Application: Click here

Enquiries: Ms Charlotte Li | +886-6-2757575 ext.50960 | +886-6-2099250 | satu @ ncku.edu.tw

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