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【Call for Proposals】2023 SATU Joint Research Scheme & NCKU Funding

【SATU - 2023 JRS 共研計畫徵件公告 與 成大經費補助】
【SATU - 2023 Joint Research Scheme (JRS) Call for Proposals & NCKU Funding Support】 

¿ JRS PI 徵件公告 ¿
臺灣與東南亞暨南亞大學校長論壇 (SATU Presidents’ Forum) Joint Research Scheme (JRS) 共研計畫旨在為SATU校長論壇的會員校教研人員進行媒合,以共組團隊進行跨國研究合作。

本年度的 JRS 於 2023 年 3 月 8-22 日期間徵集主持人(PI)研究案。計畫詳細說明與提交研究案表格,請查閱2023 JRS網站

JRS共研計畫網站及提交研究案: 2023 SATU JRS 網站


¿ 成大國際處JRS經費補助 ¿
本校國際處將提供經費補助,如JRS 媒合案主持人(PI)成功申請此經費補助,最多可獲新臺幣80,000元,當中包含資本門及業務費。


成大 JRS 經費補助之完整說明,請參閱《成大JRS共研計畫經費補助說明》 (PDF 檔)。


¿ JRS Call for PI Proposals ¿

The SATU Presidents’ Forum 2023 Joint Research Scheme (JRS) is now calling for research proposals from principal investigators (PI) from member universities until 22 March 2023

JRS was launched by the SATU Presidents' Forum in 2012 as a matching platform for scholars from all SATU member universities to establish international research collaborations, and has been a very important academic collaboration platform for NCKU researchers. If you are looking for research collaborators from South and South East Asia, please don’t miss the opportunity.

All you need to do is to complete the “PI Proposal Submission form” at the 2023 SATU JRS Website by 22 March 2023, and the JRS will call for co-investigators for your project(s). The submission process is short and simple, and will take less than 10 minutes to complete. 

2022 SATU JRS Website and to submit your proposal: 2023 SATU JRS Website.


¿ NCKU Funding Scheme¿ 

Eligible Principal Investigators (PI) of matched JRS projects can apply for the funding support offered by the NCKU Office of International Affairs.

Each successful applicant of the funding will receive financial support of up to NT$80,000, including Capital Expense (資本門) and Operational Expense (業務費) .

Further details about the funding, including applicant's eligibility and application procedures, please refer to the 2023 NCKU SATU-JRS Funding Scheme Regulations (PDF format).


查詢 Enquiries:
國際事務處 李菀君小姐 | Ms. Charlotte Li, Office of International Affairs 
satu @ ncku.edu.tw | 06-2757575 ext. 50960

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