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NCKU COVID-19 Prevention Announcement - Entry of Overseas Degree and Exchange Students (Mandatory quarantine for arrivals to be shortened to 3 days)

NCKU Epidemic Prevention Announcement for 2022 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)   (update: June/13/2022)   

By NCKU COVID-19 Prevention Caucus

Dear Overseas Students,

The Ministry of Education (MOE) announced on August 23rd, 2021 the lifting of entry ban for overseas degree students and recipients of the pre-degree Mandarin Language Enrichment Program (LEP) under the Taiwan Scholarship Program by Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) from ALL countries/regions.

NCKU incoming exchange students who receive NCKU Taiwan-Europe Connectivity Scholarship will be allowed to enter Taiwan according to the code of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Per the guidance from MOE, NCKU has listed the important procedure as following:

Step 1. Complete the survey for overseas students 


No matter if you are an existing student or a new student, currently living in overseas countries/regions or in Taiwan, all overseas students are required to complete the survey.

In consideration of the arrangement of quarantine process and quarantine space in Taiwan, for the degree students who are allowed to enter Taiwan, please update your flight information and related information at least 10 days prior to your flight via the survey for overseas students. Actual entry and quarantine arrangement may be adjusted due to the limited quarantine capacity of Taiwan.

1. NCKU has actively reported the name list of new students enrolled to the MOE. MOE who will further inform related Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Offices for visa issue. Existing students who need to apply for a new visa should actively inform the Overseas Students and Scholars Services (OSSS) Division , so that NCKU can immediately report to the MOE.

2. After receiving the MOE’s official document number forwarded by NCKU, new students or existing students who need to apply for a new visa can contact with your local Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office. In consideration of the different circumstances in different countries/regions affecting the procedure of Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Offices, the process is really contingent on different situations. If students reserve flights before obtaining a visa, they might need to change flights afterward due to the delay of visa

3. Students who are visa holders will NEED an Entry Permit Certificate issued by the MOE. Only Taoyuan International Airport (TPE) is allowed for arrival. After you have the visa number and flight details, please update related information in the pre-arrival survey for overseas students as early as possible. (http://exchange.oia.ncku.edu.tw/pras/index.php?c=auth ). NCKU will assist you in obtaining the Overseas Student Entry Permit Certificate from the MOE. If you receive the e-file of the Overseas Student Entry Permit Certificate forwarded by NCKU, please print it out for border entry checks. Students entering from key high-risk countries are mandatory to quarantine at the group quarantine facility. As the vacancies are limited, please contact the Overseas Students and Scholars Services (OSSS) Division for further confirmation prior to flight bookings.

Students must enter Taiwan on the date and flight reported in the survey. If any changes occurred due to force majeure, such as typhoon, cancellation or merge of flights, students must inform the school immediately for a new approval of entry.

4. Students who are valid ARC holders are not bound by the recent entry restrictions and can enter Taiwan freely. Please complete the survey for overseas students after you have the visa number and flight information. (http://exchange.oia.ncku.edu.tw/pras/index.php?c=auth )


5. Exchange students who hold a valid ARC or Taiwanese passport are allowed to enter Taiwan to carry out their exchange study at NCKU. OR exchange students who are granted for the scholarships or projects (eg. NCKU Taiwan-Europe Connectivity Scholarships) are allowed to enter Taiwan. Please complete the survey for overseas students after you have the visa number and flight information. (http://exchange.oia.ncku.edu.tw/pras/index.php?c=auth )

Step 2.  Report your daily body temperature and symptom record tracking

Students who are visa holders, after receiving the entry permit certificate issued by the MOE, must report their daily body temperature and symptom record tracking via the NCKU COVID-19 Prevention Platform: (https://app.pers.ncku.edu.tw/ncov/index.php?c=auth) or KUAP (https://reurl.cc/WXL9WL)

Step 3. Before boarding, present related documents and complete the registration in the Quarantine System for Entry

  1. Your local airline’s check-in counter will require documents as below:

           (1) Valid passport

         (2) Valid Visa, R. O. C. Taiwan Resident Certificate, or Exit & Entry Permit Taiwan Republic of China

          (3) For the students who NEED Entry Permit Certificate from the MOE, you will need to present the Overseas Student Entry Permit Certificate (in hardcopy)

          (4) A medical certificate with a Coronavirus(COVID-19) RT- PCR test result issued at most 2 working days working days prior to boarding

2. Before boarding, please fill out a health declaration form in the Quarantine System for Entry (https://hdhq.mohw.gov.tw/). (Please be reminded that the phone number registered in the system must be valid and connectable in Taiwan (R.O.C) to receive a confirmation text and have access to the e-process)

Step 4. After landing in Taiwan, restart your mobile phone and complete the below procedures:

  1. Restart your mobile phone. The health declaration pass will be sent to your mobile phone via SMS upon arrival in Taiwan.
  2. Present the health declaration pass on your mobile phone at the inspection point.
  3. Inform school contacts immediately about your arrival.

NOTE: If you have Taiwan’s mobile number, please remember to pay fee for using that number. If you do NOT have Taiwan’s mobile number, please purchase a SIM card of Taiwan’s mobile number upon your arrival at Taiwan’s international airport and change to a local SIM card. 

Step 5. Immigration Clearance

  1. Receive health inspection of body temperature or suspicious symptoms.
  2. For immigration clearance, the students who NEED Entry Permit Certificate from the MOE are required to present the Overseas Student Entry Permit Certificate from the school, and to be checked if their names are on the approval list from the MOE.

  • Students who entering from key high-risk countries will be escorted by CDC officers to a designated zone to complete the entry procedures upon arrival. The arrival PCR test will be taken upon check-in to the group quarantine facility.
  • Students who entering from other countries shall present themselves to the representative of the Ministry of Education (MOE) upon arrival. The arrival PCR test will be taken at the airport for students who quarantine at the quarantine hotel, or at their quarantine location for students who quarantine at the group quarantine facility.

Step 6. Head to the quarantine hotels or group quarantine facilities.

The students who NEED Entry Permit Certificate from the MOE will need to take the quarantine vehicles to their quarantine hotels or group quarantine facilities.

Step 7. 3-Day Quarantine

  1. Group quarantine facility: if students are arranged to quarantine in a group quarantine facility, please act in accordance to related regulations.
  2. Quarantine hotel: All students upon your arrival at the quarantine hotel, a personnel will assist you with the check-in and explain about the quarantine process. During the 3-Day quarantine, please report about your health condition to the school every day.
  3. Prepare your own clinical thermometer, masks, and disinfection supplies.
  4. You should conduct Home Quarantine for 3 days after entering Taiwan immediately. It is forbidden to go out, take public transportation, or go to school or office during the 3 days. Those who fail to comply with central epidemic command and control measures will be fined according to the Communicable Disease Control Act and may be proceeded with compulsory placement when necessary. 
  5. For the students who NEED Entry Permit Certificate from the MOE, NCKU will assist in arranging a quarantine space; however, all quarantine fees including hotel fee, meals, personal amenities and utilities shall be paid by students. Students with valid ARC are allowed to enter/re-enter Taiwan and shall arrange a quarantine hotel by themselves.
  6. Get COVID-19 Rapid test and RT- PCR TestThe day of arrival counts as Day 0; a seven-day self-health management will be required starting the 4th day.

**At-home rapid tests: two rapid test kits will be given to arrivals aged 2 and older by workers at international airports/ports upon arrival; arrivals can use the test kits when symptoms occur during quarantine and before they go out for the first time during the self-initiated epidemic prevention period.

Step 8. 4-Day Self-Health Management

  1. After being allowed to leave quarantine facility, overseas students will have to continue to exercise self-health management for seven days, during which they will be required to wear a surgical mask at all times, disinfect their hands, report their temperature twice a day, avoid entering the campus for class, and avoid visiting public places.
  2. Students who quarantine at the group quarantine facility, NCKU will provide the transportation arrangement to your place of self-health management, while students quarantine at the quarantine hotel may leave by oneself.
  3. Overseas students may apply for self-health management dorm via https://tinyurl.com/NCKU-SHMD-1092. Students who complete their self-health management in dorm are not allowed to leave the dorm during these 4 days. The Housing Division will provide meals ordered assistance at your own expense.
  4. After the completion of self-health management, students will have to take a rapid home test and upload the result to KUAP app. Students will only be allowed to enter the campus after the uploaded results are confirmed by the Health Center. Students who complete the 7 days in self-health management dorm will receive the test kit from the Housing Division, while others will have to get it from one’s own department.

 Quarantine compensation: After completing the 3-day quarantine and receiving your Alien Resident Card (ARC), you are eligible to apply for a quarantine subsidy of up to NT$3,000 (https://swis.mohw.gov.tw/covidweb/home/index_en.jsp)

● Contacts & Links:

  1. Overseas Students and Scholars Services (OSSS) Division: em50460@email.ncku.edu.tw
  2. Incoming Exchange Students Services: em50961@email.ncku.edu.tw
  3. As for Epidemic Prevention Transportation inquires, please contact Office of General Affairs: em50500@email.ncku.edu.tw
  4. As for Quarantine facility inquires:

  1. As for New Student Health Exam, PCR test and COVID-19 Rapid test inquiries, please contact Health Center: em50430@email.ncku.edu.tw
  2. Bureau of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs  https://www.boca.gov.tw/mp-1.html
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