113 Overseas Student ASE Recritment Orientation
Are you eager to embark on an exciting career journey in the semiconductor manufacturing industry?
Do you want to achieve excellence with a global leader in the semiconductor field?
Join ASE Semiconductor Manufacturing Recruitment Orientation!!!
Learn more about ASE's job opportunities, corporate culture, and growth prospects!
【詳細資訊 | Information】
活動對象 | Participant : 本校境外生、僑生、港澳生(不限科系&學位) NCKU International students, Overseas Compatriot Students, Hong Kong and Macao students (For all majors and degrees)
活動日期 | Date : 2024/06/05 WED
活動時間 | Time : 13:10-15:15
活動地點 | Location : 太子文旅3樓C廳 Academy Hotel 3F Hall C (No.2,Dasyue Rd.,East District. Tainan City 701,Taiwan)
報名連結 | https://forms.gle/KmyoEe75MDnQrarf7
報名日期 | Registration date : 2024.5.30 - 2024.6.2 Sun. 5:00 p.m.
【活動行程 | Schedule】
13:10-13:30 報到 Check In
13:30-14:30 ASE徵才說明會 ASE Recruitment Orientation
14:30-15:00 Q&A
15:00-15:15 Fill out feedback Form
【注意事項 | Notice】
英文演講 English lecture
免費參加,名額有限 Attend free, registration is limited
提供點心乙份 Providing one dessert
如有問題 , 歡迎詢問 If you have any question, please feel free to contact us
成功錄取者會另外收到Email通知 Successfully admitted candidates will receive additional email notifications
【聯絡資訊 | Contact】
國立成功大學 國際事務處 境外生與學人事務組
Office of International Affairs National Cheng Kung University
Overseas Students and Scholars Affairs Group
黃小姐 Ziv Huang
Tel : (06) 275-7575 # 50470
E-mail : 11208128@gs.ncku.edu.tw