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NCKU COVID-19 Prevention Announcement-Entry of Overseas Non-Degree and Short-term Program Students-193






  • 依教育部111年7月8日臺教高通字第1112203035號及111年8月24日臺教文(五)字第1112503966號函辦理。
  • 教育部專案入境機制相關說明如下:
  • 開放入境申請對象如下:
  1. 雙邊互惠及特殊外交考量、優華語計畫、教育部獎補助外國人士來臺短期研究等學生(外籍生)。
  2. 依學校與外國學校簽訂教育合作協議所招收之境外交換學生(外籍生、港澳生)。
  3. 研習華語之學生(外籍生、港澳生)。
  4. 短期研習生(外籍生、港澳生)。
  • 教育部受理時間:即日起進行簽證及入境名冊提報作業,學生得於111年9月22日起入境。
  • 國際處即日起開放受理院系所等校內單位辦理前述院系交換生、短期研習生等境外非學位生專案入境申請作業相關步驟與注意事項請見【附件一
  • 相關問題聯絡資訊及網址
  • 簽證及入境相關問題:
  1. 境外交換學生及短期研習生相關請洽國際教育組em50958@email.ncku.edu.tw
  2. 境外學位生相關請洽境外生與學人事務組em50460@email.ncku.edu.tw。研習華語學生相關請洽文學院華語中心em52040@email.ncku.edu.tw。

NCKU COVID-19 Prevention Announcement-Entry of Overseas Non-Degree and Short-term Program Students          

(Update: 2022/09/08)

By NCKU COVID-19 Prevention Caucus    

Purpose: Please refer to the following information regarding the 2022 application process for non-degree students who do not hold a valid residence permit of Taiwan.


  1. In accordance with the Ministry of Education (MOE) letter No. 1112203035 dated July 8, 111 and No. 1112503966 dated August 24, 111.
  2. The Ministry of Education's project entry operations is described as follows:
    1. The following are the targets of open-entry applications:
        1. Students who come to Taiwan for short-term studies under bilateral reciprocity and special diplomatic considerations, the UCS program, and Ministry of Education scholarships. (Overseas students)
        2. Overseas exchange students enrolled under educational cooperation agreements signed between the school and foreign schools. (Overseas students, Hong Kong and Macao students)
        3. Students studying Chinese language (Overseas students, Hong Kong and Macao students)
        4. Short-term program students (Overseas students, Hong Kong and Macao students).
    2. Acceptance time by the Ministry of Education: The visa and entry form filing process will begin immediately and students will be allowed to enter the country from September 22, 2022.
  3. The Office of International Affairs is now open to accept applications from the above-mentioned faculty exchange students, short-term research students, and other non-degree students from abroad.
  4. Contact information and website for related questions:
    1. Visa and immigration related questions:
        1. For overseas exchange students and short-term program students, please contact the Study Abroad Division (em50958@email.ncku.edu.tw)
        2. For overseas degree students, please contact the Overseas Students and Scholars Services Division (OSSS)(em50460@email.ncku.edu.tw)
        3. For Chinese language students, please contact the Chinese Language Center (em52040@email.ncku.edu.tw)
    2. Information on the epidemic prevention hotel: https://taiwan.taiwanstay.net.tw/covhotel/
    3. For questions related to freshmen physical examination, PCR and rapid test, please contact the Health Center


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