【Internship】2024 UMC Summer Internship Program Officially Launches
Looking to stay ahead of the semiconductor market trends and establish yourself early in the semiconductor industry wave?
Collaborate with semiconductor experts, engage in real-world projects, gain valuable practical experience, and increase your chances of transitioning from internship to full-time employment with a pre-offer in hand!
Apply now for the 2024 UMC Summer Internship Program and experience the professional life in the semiconductor industry!
✅【申請資格 | Qualification】 電機、電子、物理、化學、化工、材料、光電、資工、統計等理工系所大四(含)以上在學生(含碩博) Applicants from science and engineering departments such as electrical engineering, electronics, physics, chemistry, chemical engineering, materials, optoelectronics, engineering, statistics, etc.
Students who are in their senior year (including) or above (including master's and doctoral students)
✅【語言要求 | Language】 須能使用中文溝通 Must be able to communicate in Mandarin
✅【實習期間 | Period】 2024/07/01 - 2024/08/31
✅【實習職務 | Position】 技術研發 / 製程整合 / 製程 / 智慧製造 / 資訊 / 數據分析等 Technology R&D/Process Integration/Processing/Smart Manufacturing/Information/Data Analysis, etc.
✅【實習地點 | Location】 聯華電子竹科 / 南科 UMC in HsinChu Science park/Tainan Science park
✅【實習福利 | Benefits】 實習月薪:35,000~44,000元 提供餐費補助及公司宿舍半價優惠,未來轉正更可享有簽約金!Internship monthly salary: 35,000~44,000 NTD. Meal subsidies and half-price discounts for company dormitories are provided.
If you become a full-time employee in the future, you can enjoy a signing bonus!
✅【繳交資料 | Information required for application】
- 履歷 Resume
- 自傳 Autobiography
- 在校成績單 School transcript
- 學生證 Student ID card
- 研究所錄取通知(若為預碩生) Graduate School Admission Notice (if you are a pre-master’s student)
【截止日期 | Deadline】4, March. 2024 12:00 pm
【報名連結 | Sign Up Link】https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdfV9qYJYWktK0acPBV0C2eNotcoGppNePLAKTPenYfsc0XSA/viewform
- 注意: 經公司審查申請資料通過後會通知面試時間。
- Notice: Upon successful review of the application materials by the company, applicants will be notified of the interview schedule.

【聯絡資訊 | Contact】
國立成功大學 國際事務處 境外生與學人事務組
Office of International Affairs National Cheng Kung University
Overseas Students and Scholars Affairs Group
謝宜臻 Kame Hsieh 小姐
Tel : (06) 275-7575 # 50471
E-mail : 11210036@gs.ncku.edu.tw