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【IMPORTANT】Reapplication for the NCKU Distinguished Scholarship (Fall admitted MA & PhD students only)

Regarding the reapplication of the NCKU Distinguished International Students Scholarship, we would like you to pay attention to the following information.

Scholarship Application

The NCKU Distinguished International Students Scholarship for fall-enrolling students has ended in August, 2023. If you are a student enrolling in the fall semester, you might be eligible to reapply for the scholarship for the upcoming academic year. Please follow the “Regulation of NCKU Distinguished International Students Scholarship.”

The application timetable is as follows, and the specific time is subject to the announcement of each department.




September 4-14, 2023

Applicants have to fill out the Google form online and submit their applications.


September 15-23, 2023

Department committee reviews and evaluates the applications. After the final evaluation from the college committee, the application results will be sent to the OSSS.


September 25-October 25, 2023

OSSS will do the final information check and propose the budget to the higher-management for approval.


During the application and evaluation process, you will be responsible for your own living expenses until the scholarship award in early November. Please note that exact timing of remittance will depend on the school’s administrative procedures.

If you have been awarded a government scholarship, please ignore this. Thank you.

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