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【Internship】【NCKU Butterfly Program】Marketech International Corp. summer internship is available for application, deadline 3/23.

【NCKU Butterfly Program】NCKU X MIC Internship 

NCKU creates a diversified and win-win platform for talent cultivation through industry-academia collaboration - NCKU Butterfly Program functions as a strong support of international industry to cultivate more international talents. The strategy is to attract south east Asia international industry with Higher Education of Butterfly program, with the concept of 1+1 greater than 2, through the connection with the industry, government and academia to build a talent circulation mechanism, implement the research capabilities in development of creative industries.  

MIC products and services: Representative Business, System Solutions, Engineering Services, Equipment Manufacturing (see website)

Internship Period: 2023 Summer Break, July 3rd~August 31st. (2 months)

Internship Location: Depends, MIC locations in Taiwan. Hostel can be provided. 

Application Deadline: February 20, 2023 ~ March 23, 2023 before 5pm.

Eligibility: NCKU Overseas Students from College of Engineering and College of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science. (Except for Hong Kong, Macau and Mainland Chinese students)


1. Enrollment Certificate of the latest semester. (111-2)

2. MIC Resume Template (see attachment)

3. Autobiography (pdf file)

How to Apply: Email your documents to OSSS Ms. Shaye Chong 11101005@gs.ncku.edu.tw, email title: "NCKU X MIC 國際高階人才培育實習-[your name]申請資料".

If you have any questions or inquiries, feel free to contact OSSS Ms. Shaye Chong 06-2757575 ext.50466 or MIC Ms. Carol Lo carollo@micb2b.com, 02-26558899 ext.10037.

MIC Official Website: https://www.micb2b.com/




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