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Welcome to Participate in the 22nd Annual Industrial and Systems Engineering Competition (ISEEC)

Welcome to participate in the 22nd Annual Industrial and Systems Engineering Competition (ISEEC), hosted by the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Indonesia. The registration period for said competition has been open since June 22nd, 2022, and will continue to be opened until August 30th, 2022.

ISEEC is an annual competition specifically designed for undergraduate industrial engineering and related courses students to hone and apply their skill sets in solving real-world problems. This year’s theme of “From Waste to Wealth : The Transition of Business Towards Circular Economy for Sustainable Future” will serve as a valuable platform for participants to practice their problem-solving skills in the context of risk management.

 Please visit https://bit.ly/RegistrationGuidelinesISEEC2022 for the competition guidelines and find enclosed invitation and information pertinent to the 22nd Annual ISEEC. Further information can be accessed through our website at https://www.iseec-ui.com/. If there are any specific queries that you would like addressed, please reach out to us via email at contact@iseec-ui.com. They will provide further assistance.

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