- 備取生請至申請平台查看備取結果及獎學金資訊。
- 國際經營管理研究所(IMBA)的備取生結果已於2024年12月11日更新。
- 本校預計於113年12月底前寄送錄取信,境外生新生手冊(連結)將於1月於國際事務處網頁公告與通知。
- 錄取生應依規定繳交學雜費辦理註冊手續,未按規定完成者,視同放棄入學資格。
- 錄取生務必攜帶最高學歷畢業證書正本及影本(請先經我政府駐外館驗證或僑務主管機關指定單位核驗)各1份至註冊組,始可辦理註冊入學。
After the announcement of admission, we will send notification to applicants for the following:
- The students on the waitlist, please visit the application platform to check the results and scholarship information.
- The results for waitlisted students of the Inst. of International Management(IMBA) has been updated on 2024/12/11.
- The admission letter is scheduled to be sent by registered mail at the end of December 2024. The student handbook will be updated on the OIA website in January, accordingly.
- Students shall complete the registration procedures following the instructions, incomplete registration may be considered canceling the admission.
- Students must submit the highest degree diploma, both original and copy for on-campus registration. Please have your documents authenticated by the ROC embassy, consulate, representative office, or office, or other agency authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.