【轉知】2025年 捷克赫拉德茨-克拉洛韋大學Summer school CZECH IT OUT 2025
- 介紹:CZECH IT OUT offer a remarkable four weeks program designed by our expert team. The program is focused on utilization of information technology and its business implication. It is suitable for undergraduate students from all around the world. The language of instruction is English and beside attractive lectures and seminars, we provide students with many interesting trips and guided tours. You will improve your professional knowledge, visit successful Czech and international companies and see how some of the well-known Czech products are made, and moreover, you can visit famous historic landmarks and places. There are many reasons to CZECH IT OUT!
- 課程時間:2025年7月5日(六)至2025年8月5日(二)
- 課程主題簡介:
Main streams (Each 64 hours, student select one mainstream):
1. MIT4 Data Science- Data Visualization / Practical Statistics for data Science in R / Machine Learning
2. BIS1 Intercultural studies and tourism- Intercultural Studies / Services Marketing / Cultural Studies
3. BIS2 Marketing and cultural studies- Managerial Methods / Sales and Advertising / Intercultural Business Communication
Optional subjects (Each 16 hours, student select two subjects): Applied Game Theory / Czech Language / English Language / French Language / Fundamentals of Marketing / Exploring AI in Education
- 課程要求:需為成大大學部在學學生
- 課程語言: 英文
- 課程費用: (不包含往返機票、保險費、其他個人費用等),詳細請見活動網址
1. tuition-fee: 650 EUR
2. accommodation: 420 EUR
3. accompanying program: 200 EUR
- 報名資格流程、住宿、保險等資訊請查閱活動網址
- 報名方式: 預計於2025年初開放報名,有興趣的同學請關注官網最新資訊
- 報名時間:預計於2025年初開放報名至2025年6月15日截止
- 注意事項:
- 國際處僅公告或協助本校學生報名參加簽約校的短期活動或課程,其短期課程是否可抵免本校學分,參加學生需遵照教務處相關規定辦理。若活動日期為本校學期上課期間,學生須依照本校規定自行辦理請假手續。
- 如同學有關於當地課程、住宿、報名問題等,請聯絡該校短期活動窗口
- 為利校方知悉同學赴海外學習之情形,請成功錄取姊妹校短期活動的同學們協助填寫問卷https://forms.gle/U8PmqiiGPft1NNpp7,謝謝。
- 聯絡窗口:
◎ CZECH IT OUT Email:czechitout@uhk.cz
Mrs. Helena Holubičková Email:helena.holubickova@uhk.cz
◎校內聯絡:國際事務處國際教育組 陳小姐