
【NCKU OIA eNews】 "Let's Go Study Abroad 2024!" OIA's Exchange Program Series Events Achieves Stellar Success

最後更新日期 : 2024-05-16

【"Let's Go Study Abroad 2024!" OIA's Exchange Program Series Events Achieves Stellar Success】

During March and April 2024, the Division of Study Abroad, Office of International Affairs (OIA), NCKU, held a series of events related to studying abroad for NCKU students. First event was held on March 26th. OIA invited Ms. Irene Tsai, the Managing Director of the Taiwan Representative Office of Temple University, to introduce the information on dual degree programs and short-term courses at Temple University, US. Over 30 students joined, and many stayed for more consultation after the information session.

Ms. Irene Tsai, the Managing Director of the Taiwan Representative Office of Temple University, introduced the information on dual degree programs and short-term courses at Temple University

The 2024 Campuslink was held on the evening of March 26th as well. This event invited foreign exchange students from NCKU partner universities around the world to share and introduce their home countries and universities with students in NCKU. Ms. Claudia Finner, the representative of Technical University of Darmstadt (Technische Universität Darmstadt, TU Darmstadt) in Germany, was also invited to participate. In addition to presentations by representatives from various universities, the venue featured posters and booths from the schools, providing participants with various reference materials and the opportunity to interact directly with the exchange students.

The event attracted 106 local students and 21 international exchange students from 12 countries, representing 15 universities with booths. During the event, there was enthusiastic interaction among students, which not only facilitated exchanges between NCKU students and exchange students but also provided information about different countries and cultural characteristics for students interested in studying abroad.

Ms. Claudia Finner, the representative of TU Darmstadt Asia Office, introduced programs and life in TU Darmstadt

NCKU students asked questions about studying abroad

And on the evening of April 16th, the University-level Exchange Program Information Session for the 2025 Spring was held. Over 100 students participated to learn how to join the exchange programs and apply for the scholarship. At the event, Prof. Shu-Ying Wang, the Director of the Division of Study Abroad, introduced NCKU's partner universities and reminded students of the precautions to take before applying to study abroad. Followed by a detailed explanation of the application process by the managers of the division of study abroad, as well as the scholarship application, to help students be fully prepared.

This event also specially invited 9 senior students who had recently completed exchange programs in Austria, China, Germany, Japan, and the United States. They vividly shared their experience of studying abroad through presentations, photos, and videos, including detailed introductions to partner universities and academic programs, providing valuable experience for students who are interested in studying abroad.

NCKU students showed interest in applying for exchange programs
