NCKU SATU-JRS Continuous Funding
為鼓勵本校教研人員主動與國外學者交流,發展長期研究合作,本校為SATU校長論壇Joint Research Scheme (JRS) 共研計畫之成功媒合案提供延續研究經費補助,最高可獲得業務費和資本門總共新台幣80,000元,說明如下:
In order to encourage long-term research cooperation, NCKU launches the SATU-JRS Continuous Funding to give further support for NCKU project investigators of the SATU Presidents’ Forum JRS matched projects. The program provides subsidies of a total of NT$80,000 of each successful applicant.
(一)補助對象 Eligibility
2020-2022年期間之SATU JRS共研計畫成功媒合案之主持人(PI),且成功媒合團隊中的共同計畫主持人 (Co-PI) 必須至少有一位來自臺灣以外之SATU會員校。
The applicant should be a NCKU Project Investigator (PI) of a research project matched through the Joint Research Scheme (JRS) during 2020-2022, and at least one Co-Project Investigator (Co-PI) whose institution is located outside Taiwan.
(二)補助金額 Funding Amount
2. 每位成功申請人不論JRS成功媒合案數目,可獲補助額上限皆為新臺幣80,000元。
The maximum funding amount is NT$80,000 for each successful applicant, regardless of the number of JRS matched projects s/he hosts.
(三)如何申請 How to Apply
Application materials include:
請於6月21日(三)或以前將上述資料寄至 satu @,郵件標題請註明「[JRSC]_申請人姓名」。
Please send the materials as listed above to satu @ by 21 June 2023 (Wed), with email subject “ [JRSC]_name of applicant.”
The result will be announced on 11 July 2023 (Tue).
(四)注意事項 Important Note
(五)查詢 Enquiry
國際事務處 李菀君小姐 | Ms. Charlotte Li, Office of International Affairs
satu @ | 06-2757575 ext. 50960