【轉知】2025年 印尼日惹穆罕默迪亞大學International Course on Multiculturalism and Humanity (ICoMUH)
- 介紹:Welcome to participate in the International Course on Multiculturalism and Humanity (ICoMUH). This course, themed "Unity in Diversity: Building Inclusive Societies," offers a unique opportunity for undergraduate students to explore the dynamics of multiculturalism, peace education, and conflict resolution, with a particular focus on Indonesia's rich cultural and social harmony.
- 課程時間: 2025年8月4日(一)至2025年8月9日(六)
- 課程主題簡介:
- Theoretical Foundations: Explore critical concepts related to multiculturalism, religious diversity, peace education, and conflict resolution.
- Community Engagement: Participate in hands-on social responsibility activities, including community service at a local orphanage, to enhance understanding of social inclusion.
- Cultural Immersion: Experience Indonesia's vibrant cultural heritage through traditional performances, art workshops, and visits to historical landmarks.
- Practical Skills: Gain critical negotiation, communication, and empathy skills for effective peacebuilding and conflict resolution.
- 課程要求及名額:Open to undergraduate students from all fields (limited to 30 participants)
- 課程語言:英文
- 課程費用:120美元 (不包含往返機票、保險費、其他個人費用等),詳細請見活動網址 https://icomuh.umy.ac.id/
- 報名資格流程、住宿、保險等資訊請查閱活動網址及附件
- 報名方式: 請同學將所需之申請文件,上傳至日惹穆罕默迪亞大學申請網址 http://bit.ly/ICOMUHRegistration
- 報名時間: 2024年11月1日至2025年5月31日
- 注意事項:
- 國際處僅公告或協助本校學生報名參加簽約校的短期活動或課程,其短期課程是否可抵免本校學分,參加學生需遵照教務處相關規定辦理。若活動日期為本校學期上課期間,學生須依照本校規定自行辦理請假手續。
- 如同學有關於當地課程、住宿、報名問題等,請聯絡該校短期活動窗口
- 為利校方知悉同學赴海外學習之情形,請成功錄取姊妹校短期活動的同學們協助填寫問卷 https://forms.gle/U8PmqiiGPft1NNpp7,謝謝。
- 聯絡窗口:
◎日惹穆罕默迪亞大學 Email:icomuh.umy@gmail.com
◎校內聯絡:國際事務處國際教育組 陳小姐