NCKU Epidemic Prevention Announcement for 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
By NCKU COVID-19 Prevention Caucus
(2020/08/07 09:40)
Dear Overseas Students,
On August 5th, the Ministry of Education (MOE) announced that the following categories of overseas students are allowed to enter Taiwan.
● 低感染風險國家/地區:越南、香港、澳門、泰國、帛琉、澳洲、紐西蘭、汶萊、斐濟、
● 中低感染風險國家/地區:馬來西亞、新加坡、日本、韓國、斯里蘭卡。
The 19 low- and medium-risk countries/regions listed by MOE:
● Low-risk countries/regions: Vietnam, Hong Kong, Macau, Thailand, Palau, Australia, New Zealand, Brunei, Fiji, Mongolia, Bhutan, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar.
● Medium-risk countries/regions: Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Sri Lanka.
Due to the availability of NCKU Quarantine Dormitory, for the degree students who are allowed to enter Taiwan, please try to arrange your flight and arrive in Taiwan as early as possible. For any special conditions, please update related information as early as possible via the survey for overseas students.
As the list of low- and medium-risk countries/regions will be constantly reviewed and changed according to the epidemic situation, we hope that more countries could be announced by MOE for Taiwan entry in the near future. Once you are authorized to enter Taiwan, 14-day quarantine process is required. Per the guidance from MOE, NCKU has listed the important procedure as following:
1. 本校已將2020秋季新生名單提報教育部,需要重新辦理簽證之舊生請主動與學校國際學生事務組或僑陸組聯繫,學校會即刻陳報名單給教育部,並由教育部轉告台灣駐外館處協助辦理簽證。
2. 新生或是需要辦理簽證的舊生,若得到校方電子通知(教育部公文函號)信件,即可聯繫台灣駐外館處申請簽證。持有有效簽證者,則無須重新辦理。
3. 無須經由教育部專案入境的學生,若有簽證/居留證號碼以及航班資訊後,請同學填寫境外生調查系統 (http://exchange.oia.ncku.edu.tw/pras/index.php)。
4. 需要經由教育部專案入境的學生,獲教育部宣布開放入境後,若有簽證/居留證號碼以及航班資訊後,請同學填寫境外生調查系統 (http://exchange.oia.ncku.edu.tw/pras/index.php),校方將依據同學所填報簽證號碼、入境日期及入境航班陳報教育部,協助同學取得「境外生入境許可證明」。校方將以電子通知信函寄發「境外生入境許可證明」,請同學列印出紙本以利入境時查驗。
5. 本校雖已將2020秋季新生名單提報教育部,但由於各外館作業狀況與所需時程不一,請同學耐心等候通知。若還未取得簽證就已安排航班,可能會有簽證不及完成而須更改班機之可能。
Step 1. Complete the survey for overseas students (http://exchange.oia.ncku.edu.tw/pras/index.php)
No matter if you are an existing student or a new student, currently living in overseas countries/regions or in Taiwan, all overseas students are required to complete the survey. Please complete the survey as early as possible, especially the students who will need to obtain the Overseas Student Entry Permit Certificate from the MOE through NCKU for entry into Taiwan. Students must enter Taiwan on the date and flight reported in the survey. If any changes occurred due to force majeure, such as typhoon, cancellation or merge of flights, students must inform the school immediately for a new approval of entry. (Note: To know if you would need MOE’s entry permit certificate or not, please refer to the charts in the last section of announcement.)
1. NCKU has reported the name list of new students enrolled for the fall semester 2020 to the MOE. Existing students who need to apply for a new visa should actively inform the Overseas & Mainland Chinese Students Affairs Division or the International Students Affairs Division, so that NCKU can immediately report to the MOE who will further inform related Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Offices.
2. After receiving the MOE’s official document number forwarded by NCKU, new students or existing students who need to apply for a new visa can contact with your local Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office. Students with valid visa will not need to apply for a new one.
3. For the students who does NOT NEED Entry Permit Certificate from the MOE, please complete the survey for overseas students after you have the visa number and flight information. (http://exchange.oia.ncku.edu.tw/pras/index.php)
4. For the students who NEED Entry Permit Certificate from the MOE, after you are allowed entry into Taiwan and have the visa number and flight information, please update related information in the survey for overseas students as early as possible. (http://exchange.oia.ncku.edu.tw/pras/index.php) NCKU will assist you in obtaining the Overseas Student Entry Permit Certificate from the MOE. If you receive the e-file of the Overseas Student Entry Permit Certificate forwarded by NCKU, please print it out for border entry checks.
5. Although NCKU has reported the name list of new students enrolled for the fall semester 2020 to the MOE, in consideration of the different circumstances in different countries/regions affecting the procedure of Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Offices, please wait patiently for NCKU’s notification. If students reserve flights before obtaining a visa, they might need to change flights afterward due to the delay of visa.
1. 當地航空公司會在報到時要求同學出示證件如下:
2. 於登機前至電子「入境檢疫系統」(https://hdhq.mohw.gov.tw/),依序輸入各項欄位資料,完成線上申報。(注意:所登錄之門號必須在抵達中華民國之後依然具備通話功能,才能使用此系統服務取得憑證簡訊)
Step 2. Before boarding, present related documents and complete the registration in the Quarantine System for Entry
(1) Valid passport
(2) Valid Visa, R. O. C. Taiwan Resident Certificate, or Exit & Entry Permit Taiwan Republic of China
(3) Some students will need to present the Overseas Student Entry Permit Certificate (in paper file)
2. Before boarding, please fill out a health declaration form in the Quarantine System for Entry (https://hdhq.mohw.gov.tw/). (Please be reminded that the phone number registered in the system must be valid and connectable in Taiwan (R.O.C) to receive a confirmation text and have access to the e-process)
Step 3. After landing in Taiwan, restart your mobile phone and complete the below procedures:
Step 4. Immigration Clearance
Step 5. Go to the Reception Counter for Overseas Students in the Arrival Hall
Follow the signs to find the Reception Counter for Overseas Students in the Arrival Hall, the receptionist will guide you to take the epidemic prevention transportation to your quarantine dormitory/hotel.
Step 6. 14-Day Quarantine
Quarantine & Transportation Arrangements
for Overseas Degree Students
(一) 學生類別
(二) 檢疫安排
NCKU arranges and covers 14-day quarantine dormitory plus the airport transportation:
• Qualified participants:
2020 Fall Semester new students (degree students), who have confirmed and paid the early enrollment deposit of $5000NTD.
• 14-day quarantine: NCKU will arrange and cover the fee of a quarantine dormitory. Students cover the fee of meals, bedding, personal amenities and utilities.
• Transportation from airport to quarantine dormitory: NCKU will either reserve shuttle service; or students can take an epidemic-prevention taxi and keep the taxi receipt for the fee reimbursement.
(一) 學生類別
(二) 檢疫安排
NCKU arranges 14-day quarantine dormitory plus the airport transportation with all fees paid by the students:
• Qualified participants:
- New students without valid ARC are required to notify MOE for a Taiwan entry approval.
- New students with valid ARC are allowed to enter/re-enter Taiwan, and do not require to notify MOE for Taiwan entry.
• 14-day quarantine: NCKU will assist in arranging a quarantine dormitory or students can reserve a quarantine hotel; however, all quarantine fees including dormitory fee, meals, bedding, personal amenities and utilities shall be paid by students.
• Transportation from airport to quarantine dormitory: NCKU will either reserve shuttle service, or students can take an epidemic-prevention taxi. All transportation fees shall be paid by students.
(一) 學生類別
(二) 檢疫安排
(1) 請學生自費預訂檢疫旅館,另僑外舊生(不含港澳生)得於原本外宿地點居家檢疫
(2) 預訂不到檢疫旅館,或原定外宿地點同住者有65歲(含)以上長者、6歲(含)以下幼童、慢性疾病患者)或無個人專用房間(含衛浴設備)者,學校得視情況協助安排檢疫宿舍,但不保證一定能安排到,且學生需自費宿舍費用、餐費、寢具及其他雜支等項目。
NCKU may possibly assist in arranging 14-day quarantine dormitory plus the airport transportation with all fees paid by the students:
• Qualified participants:
Existing students with valid ARC are allowed to enter/re-enter Taiwan, and do not require to notify MOE for Taiwan entry.
• 14-day quarantine:
• Airport Transportation to the quarantine facility: NCKU may assist with shuttle service, or students can take a prevention taxi. All transportation fees are paid by students.
For existing students, leaving Taiwan during this summer break is NOT recommended by NCKU. If leaving Taiwan during this summer break is an inevitable must, please inform the school.
● 聯絡資訊以及網址:
(一) 僑生與陸生事務組 em50460@email.ncku.edu.tw
(二) 國際學生事務組 em50990@email.ncku.edu.tw
(三) 防疫接送問題,請洽總務處: em50500@email.ncku.edu.tw
(四) 防疫住宿問題
(五) 新生體檢問題,請洽衛生保健組em50430@email.ncku.edu.tw
(六)衛生服部疾病管制署各國感染風險級別(低風險國家列表) https://tinyurl.com/yakpktae
(七)外交部領事事務局 https://www.boca.gov.tw/mp-1.html
(八)旅宿網防疫旅宿專區 https://taiwan.taiwanstay.net.tw/covhotel/
● Contacts & Links:
(1)Guiren Dormitory: please contact Office of General Affairs: em50500@email.ncku.edu.tw
(2)Other NCKU Campus Dormitory: please contact Housing Service Division: em86340@email.ncku.edu.tw