

最後更新日期 : 2021-12-03

Taiwan Comprehensive University System Directions for Encouraging Short-Term Cross-University Research

103.11.24 臺綜大聯席會議通過
Promogulated in the Joint Meeting of the TCUS on Nov. 24, 2014
105.03.28 臺綜大聯席會議修正通過
Promogulated in the Joint Meeting of the TCUS on Mar. 28, 2016

一.  臺灣綜合大學系統(以下簡稱臺綜大系統)為加強系統內跨校跨領域之學術 交流,協助各校共同發展基礎科技之研發,獎勵臺綜大系統跨校從事短期 訪問或參與研究工作,特訂定「臺灣綜合大學系統獎勵跨校短期研究作業 要點」(以下簡稱本要點)。

These Directions are enacted for the Taiwan Comprehensive University System (TCUS) to strengthen interdisciplinary academic exchanges within the system, specifically through rewarding short-term cross-university visits or research projects and assisting the universities in jointly engaging in the research and development of basic science and technology.
二.   適用本要點之獎勵對象,其資格須符合以下條件之一:

1.  臺綜大系統之專任助理教授級以上任職二年以上者;
2.  臺綜大系統之專任副研究員(或相當職務)以上人員;
3.  臺綜大系統之主治醫師,從事研究工作二年以上者。

Subjects eligible for these Directions must meet one of the following criteria:

a. Full-time faculty member in the TCUS who has served as an assistant professor or higher for at least 2 years.
b. Full-time research fellow in the TCUS who has served as an associate research fellow (or its equivalent) or higher for at least 2 years.
Attending physician in the TCUS who has been engaged in research work for at least 2 years.
c. Attending physician in the TCUS who has been engaged in research work for at least 2 years.

三.  依本要點申請獎勵之臺綜大系統人員,須獲其服務單位同意,利用休假研究 或公假期間,至臺綜大系統內各校從事短期訪問研究。有關申請休假或公假 事宜,依各校規定辦理。
TCUS personnel who apply for a reward under these Directions must obtain approval from the unit in which he or she serves as well as visit other universities within the TCUS, using personal or official business leave to engage in short-term research. Affairs relating to taking such leave must be conducted in accordance with the regulations of the corresponding university.
四.    至臺綜大系統內各校訪問研究之學者以下列二種工作性質為主:

1.  進行專題研究。
2.  研發特定技術。

Visiting scholars from within the TCUS are limited to conducting the following two types of work:

a. Research projects
b. Research and development of technologies

五.      申請程序:

1. 申請人須經所屬系所或研究中心及拜訪單位同意,由其系所或研究中心備函,並檢附申請書、學術代表著作、合作研究合約與計畫書、擬參與 臺綜大系統內大學之單位或計畫主持人同意書各一份,向臺綜大系統研 發工作圈窗口提出申請,由臺綜大系統各校審核後推薦予國立成功大學 研發工作圈聯絡窗口,各校至多推薦三名。
2.  申請書格式由臺綜大系統研發工作圈另行公告。
3.  申請時程以臺綜大系統研發工作圈公告之日期為主。

Application procedure:

a. The applicant must first obtain written approval from his or her affiliated department, institute, or research center, and attach an application form, representative academic work, joint research contract, and proposal, along with written approval from the TCUS unit in which he or she intends to conduct research, or from the principal investigator of the project, to apply to the contact person of the TCUS Research and Development Work Group (hereinafter the “R&D Work Group”). The application shall first be reviewed by each university within the TCUS. Up to three applicants can be recommended by one university to the contact person of the R&D Work Group at National Cheng Kung University.
b. The application form shall be announced by the TCUS R&D Work Group.
c. The application schedule shall be announced by the TCUS R&D Work Group.

六. 審查推薦程序:

1.  臺綜大系統內各校自訂審查程序辦理審查,並將審查程序及申請者相關資料連同推薦人選名單(請排列優先順序),一併函送國立成功大學研 發工作圈聯絡窗口。
2.  由臺綜大執行委員會核定獎勵人選。

Review and recommendation procedure:

1. Each TCUS university performs an application review in accordance with their self-developed review procedure. Subsequently, the universities submit the review and applicants’ information along with a list of recommended candidates (in order of priority) to the National Cheng Kung University R&D Work Group.
2. The TCUS Executive Committee determines the reward recipients.

七. 訪問研究期限:
Term of the visiting period:
The term of the visiting period spans from 2 to 6 months, and may be extended in the case of special needs. However, no reward or subsidy shall be provided in an extended term.
 八. 訪問研究補助:

1. 每月支付申請人獎勵金最高新臺幣三萬元整,由臺綜大系統配合款支
2. 研究所需材料費、資料蒐集費等相關業務費,每月最高補助拜訪單位新 臺幣二萬元整,經費支用標準請依各校相關規定辦理。
3. 受補助者需檢附領款收據及相關資料,連同原始憑證送所屬學校之研發 工作圈窗口辦理經費報銷。

Subsidy for visiting research:

a. Each applicant receives a reward of up to NT$30,000 per month. The money shall be paid by the TCUS matching fund. Applicants cannot receive repeated subsidies for the same project depending on the relevant regulations of each university.
b. Each visited unit receives a business fee of up to NT$20,000 per month, which covers the materials and data collection fees required for the research. The payment standard should follow the relevant regulations of each university.
c. Subsidized personnel must collect subsidy receipts and other relevant information along with original evidence records to submit to the contact person of the R&D Work Group of their affiliated university for expense reimbursement.

九. 訪問研究成果考核: 訪問研究結束後,訪問人員應於二個月內提出共同研究成果報告予研發工 作圈窗口,經審議後提交予臺綜大執行委員會評審備查。
Appraisal of the visiting research results:
Visiting personnel shall present an achievement report of the joint research within 2 months of its completion to the contact person of the R&D Work Group. After examination, the report shall be submitted to the TCUS Executive Committee for a review for future reference.
十. 研究成果若涉及智慧財產權與訪問研究期間之權利義務,依臺綜大系統受 訪研究學校相關規定辦理。
If the research results are involved with intellectual property rights and the rights and obligations within the term of the visiting research, the affairs shall be handled in accordance with the relevant regulations of the TCUS university visited.
十一.本辦法經臺綜大研發工作圈研發長會議通過後,報請臺綜大執行委員會議 核備後實施,修正時亦同。
These Regulations shall come into force after being approved in the meeting of Vice Presidents for Research & Development in the TCUS R&D Work Group and reported to the TCUS Executive Committee for future reference. Furthermore, any amendments shall be approved by the meeting of Vice Presidents for Research & Development and reported to the TCUS Executive Committee.
These regulations were translated from the original Chinese. In the event of any discrepancies between the two versions, the Chinese always takes precedence.

Taiwan Comprehensive University System Regulations Governing the Selection of Innovative Research and Development Results by Young Scholars

101 年 3 月 8 日臺灣綜合大學系統研發長工作圈研發長聯席會通過
Promulgated in the Joint Meeting of Vice Presidents for Research & Development in the TCUS and Vice Presidents for Research & Development Work Group on Mar. 8, 2012
101 年 3 月 29 日臺灣綜合大學系統校長暨副校長聯席會議通過
Promogulated in the Joint Meeting of TCUS Presidents and Vice Presidents on Mar. 29, 2012

一.  臺灣綜合大學系統(以下簡稱臺綜大)為主動發掘勇於創新研究有潛力年輕 學者,致力於實現夢想創新,舉辦「臺綜大年輕學者創新選拔」,特設置「臺灣綜合大學系統年輕學者創新研發成果選拔辦法」(以下簡稱本辦法)。
Taiwan Comprehensive University System Regulations Governing the Selection of Innovative Research and Development Results by Young Scholars (hereinafter “the Regulations”) are enacted for the Taiwan Comprehensive University System (TCUS) to organize the selection event for innovative endeavors by young scholars from the TCUS, which allows the TCUS to identify young scholars who exhibit courage and potential for engaging in innovative research and devote themselves to realize such scholars’ dreams.
二.  本辦法之選拔對象為臺綜大獲取博士學位未滿 12 年(含)之副教授以下之 專任/專案人員(包含專任/專案副教授、專任/專案助理教授、博士後研究員)及研究生。參加者可以個人身份或團隊參加。
Eligible subjects for these Regulations are permanent and project staff (including permanent and project associate professors, permanent and project assistant professors, and postdoctoral research fellows) and graduate students from the TCUS who have obtained their doctoral degree in no more than 12 years and hold a position below or equivalent to associate professor. The participants can apply as an individual or team.
三.  參加選拔者依臺綜大研發工作圈公告之截止日期前,備齊申請表格及相關資料向臺綜大研發工作圈提出申請。由成功大學研發長擔任召集人,邀請學者專家若干名組成評審小組。
Participants for the selection should prepare application forms and relevant documents and submit their application to the TCUS Research and Development (R&D) Work Group by the deadline it specifies. The Vice President for Research & Development from National Cheng Kung University shall serve as a convener to invite several scholars and experts to form a review group.
四.  評審方式:

1.  由審查小組就選拔者書面資料進行初審
2.  初審合格者進行口頭報告,由審查小組依下列評分標準評出優先順序。

(1) 創新性、原創性、及初期性(30%) (2)  多方面影響性(30%)
(3)  實現可能性(20%)
(4) 產業價值的潛力(20%)

Review method:

1. The review group conducts a preliminary documentary review
2. Applicants who pass the preliminary review give an oral presentation, and the review group shall determine their priority according to the following criteria:

(1) Innovativeness, originality, and preliminary findings (30%)
(2) Possible influences on multiple aspects (30%)
(3) Possibility of realization (20%)
(4) Potential for generating industrial value (20%)

五. 獎勵標準與方式: 就複審後評出優先順序依下列標準分出傑出獎、優等獎及 佳作獎三種各若干名。
Reward standards and method: The second review determines the priority for presenting several distinction awards, excellence awards, and honorable mentions.
六. 各獎項之設置將獲得下列獎勵:


(1)  獎勵金新台幣十萬元整,
(2)  中英文獎狀。


(1)  獎勵金新台幣六萬元整,
(2)  中英文獎狀。


(1)  獎勵金新台幣三萬元整,
(2)  中英文獎狀。 除獎金及獎狀外,得獎者將優先成為各校萌芽計畫之案源,並由各校萌芽 功能中心專案優先輔導向國科會提出專案申請。

Winners of the awards shall receive the following prizes:

1. Distinction award:

(1) NT$100,000 prize
(2) Chinese and English certificates

2. Excellence award:

(1) NT$60,000 prize
(2) Chinese and English certificates

3. Honorable mention:

(1) NT$30,000 prize
(2) Chinese and English certificates
In addition to prizes and certificates, the winners shall become the first batch of projects sourced for the Germination Program of various universities. Furthermore, the Germination Function Center of various universities shall assist these winners in submitting a project application to the Ministry of Science and Technology.

七. 本辦法經臺綜大研發工作圈研發長會議通過後,報請臺綜大執行委員會議核 備後實施,修正時亦同。
The Regulations shall come into force after being approved in the meeting of Vice Presidents for Research & Development in the TCUS R&D Work Group and then reported to the TCUS Executive Committee for future reference. Moreover, any amendments shall be approved in the meeting of Vice Presidents for Research & Development and reported to the TCUS Executive Committee.
These regulations were translated from the original Chinese. In the event of any discrepancies between the two versions, the Chinese always takes precedence.
