


國立成功大學防疫公告 NCKU COVID-19 Prevention Announcement (20200225 1600)

最後更新日期 : 2020-03-04


NCKU Epidemic Prevention Announcement for 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)



By Office of International Affairs, NCKU

(2020/02/25 16:00)



Dear Colleagues and Students,



This announcement is regarding the updated Tracking and Management Mechanism for People under Infection Risk.



「自主健康管理」(Self-Management of Health)






The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) has raised the travel notice level for certain countries on February 24, and details are as follows:

Travel notice level 1: Thailand and Iran

Travel notice level 2: Singapore, Japan and Italy

Starting February 24, 2020, travelers arriving in Taiwan from these countries must conduct Self-Management of Health for 14 days. During the period of Self-Management of Health, people should avoid going out. If going out is necessary, they should wear a medical mask. They should also avoid going to school or office.



「居家檢疫」(Home Quarantine)






The CECC has raised the travel notice level of South Korea to Level 3. Therefore, the targets for Home Quarantine updated as below:

Target 1: Travelers with travel history to China, Hong Kong, and Macau

Target 2: Travelers with travel history to South Korea (foreign nationals from 2/25, Taiwanese nationals from 2/27)

The listed targets must conduct Home Quarantine for 14 days after entering Taiwan. It is forbidden to go out, take public transportation, or go to school or office during the 14 days. Those who fail to comply with central epidemic command and control measures will be fined according to the Communicable Disease Control Act and may be proceeded with compulsory placement when necessary.




During the period of Home Isolation, Home Quarantine or Self-Management of Health, people should check body temperature in the morning and evening every day, and report through the on-line NCKU COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention Platform(https://tinyurl.com/qw4p2un).



From February 25th, students who live off-campus and want to move into the school dormitory will be charged for the dormitory fee of NT$ 150 per day. 



Last, on February 16, 2020, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) indicated that to strengthen community-based surveillance, groups with foreign travel or contact history or other groups of potential risks included in COVID-19 testing procedure. https://tinyurl.com/tflj5xl



For details, please see below the updated Tracking and Management Mechanism for People under Infection Risk.



「學生請假事宜」(Student Leave of Absence)






 (1) Students who cannot attend classes due to epidemic prevention of Home Isolation or Home Quarantine, please apply for leave in the following ways:

A. After the school starts: Please apply for a sick leave in the "Student Leave System". When the system shows (in Mandarin and English) “The reason for absence is to carry out epidemic prevention of Home Isolation or Home Quarantine”, please tick “YES” or “NO”. If you tick “YES”, please upload proofs of “Related Notifications of COVID-19 Prevention (the lower half would be sufficient)” in the attachment. The “record of body temperature and travel history” is not needed.

B. Or go to the webpage of the Student Assistance Division, download the “NCKU Student Leave Application Form”, and email a completed application form (including related proofs as listed above) to the student’s department office (contact) to help apply for a leave to instructors. (The paperwork of a leave application shall be completed.)

(2) The Curriculum Division, according to the data from "Student Leave System" of the Office of Academic Affairs,

provides a list of students who will be absent from school due to epidemic prevention,

informs each instructor of the class according to the student's course enrollment situation,

and states that the leave is not included in the absence penalty record.


 (Updated 2020/02/24)



Tracking and Management Mechanism for People under Infection Risk


中央流行疫情指揮中心Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC)  www.cdc.gov.tw

疫情通報及諮詢專線 1922 (Communicable Disease Reporting and Consultation Hotline, 1922 (or 0800-001922) )





Home Isolation


Home Quarantine



Self-Management of Health




Individuals who had contact with the confirmed cases


Target 1: Travelers with travel history to China, Hong Kong, and Macau



Target 2: Travelers with travel history to South Korea (foreign nationals from 2/25, Taiwanese nationals from 2/27)


Target 1: Travelers officially approved to visit Hong Kong and Macau.



Target 2Reported case who is tested negative and fit the criteria of de-isolation



Target 3Reported case of community surveillance.



Target 4Travelers entered Taiwan from nations of Travel Notice Level 1 & 2.



Responsible Authority


Local Health Authority



Bureau of Civil Affairs of Local government/ Village Chief or Village Clerk


Health Authority




Home Isolation for 14 days


Active health surveillance twice per day


Home Quarantine for 14 Days


Active health surveillance once per day


Self-Management of Health for 14 days


Coordinate Matters


Health Authority issues “Home (Self) isolation notice for contacts of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) confirmed cases”


Health Authority tracks the health condition twice per day.


During the period of home isolation, please stay at home (or designated location). It is forbidden to leave the country, go abroad or take public transportation.


The individual who develops symptoms will be referred to the designated medical facilities by the Health Authority.


Those who fail to comply with central epidemic command and control measures will be fined according to the Communicable Disease Control Act and may be proceeded with compulsory placement when necessary.


Authorities issue “Novel Coronavirus Health Declaration and Home Quarantine Notice”. Individuals should wear a surgical mask when returning home for Home Quarantine.


Village leader or Village Officer contact daily for the health condition and fill the “Record for Health Care Condition” for 14 days. 


During the period of home quarantine, please stay at home (or designated location). It is forbidden to leave the country, go abroad or take public transportation.


The individuals with symptoms will be referred to the designated medical facilities for collecting samples for lab tests.

Health Authority will implement active health surveillance.


Those who fail to comply with central epidemic command and control measures will be fined according to the Communicable Disease Control Act and may be proceeded with compulsory placement when necessary.

無症狀者盡量避免出入公共場所,如需外出應全程配戴外科口罩勤洗手,落實呼吸道衛生及咳嗽禮節每日早/晚各量體 溫一次。

People without symptoms: should avoid going to public venues. If going out is necessary, they should wear a surgical mask; wash hand often and implement respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette; check body temperature in the morning and evening every day  



People who have a fever, cough, respiratory symptoms such as runny nose, or illness: wear a surgical mask; go to a doctor as soon as possible, and actively inform the doctor about your contact history, travel history and if there are people with similar symptoms around you. After returning home, you should also wear a mask, avoid going out and keep a proper distance when talking with others.   



Target 3: After receiving a test and before the result is released, you should stay home and should not go out.



Legal Basis


Articles 48 of Communicable Disease Control Act


Articles 58 of Communicable Disease Control Act


Articles 36 of Communicable Disease Control Act





NCKU Surveys



In the face of the rising global outbreak of novel coronavirus (COVID-19), along with the increasing customs and flight restrictions of different nations day by day, NCKU endeavors to deploy and improve contingency measures in advance. Therefore, please complete the following surveys as early as possible


  1. 成功大學全體教職員生(不分國籍)都必須填寫:



  1. 外籍教職員生務必額外填寫:





  1. All NCKU Members (regardless of nationality) MUST complete:
    Epidemic Prevention Platform School-wide Mandatory Survey: https://tinyurl.com/qw4p2un

(Must report twice. First time before Feb. 14th; Second time between Feb. 15-28th)

  1. International Faculty and Students MUST also complete this second survey:

(1)NCKU International Faculty: https://tinyurl.com/rpnfd7w

(2)Chinese, Overseas Chinese, Hong Kong and Macau Students (degree students): https://forms.gle/BMLUwzHStHmwZaTS7

(3)Foreign Degree Students and all Exchange Students: https://tinyurl.com/wld3t2a



NCKU COVID-19 Prevention Websites







●NCKU COVID-19 Information PlatformChinesehttps://tinyurl.com/wuokld2

●COVID-19 Prevention and NCKU Emergency Measures, Office of International Affairs, NCKU









 Taiwan’s Official Announcement

Temporary Prohibition from Entering Taiwan



● 26日起全面暫緩中國大陸籍旅客入境。

Starting February 6, 2020, Taiwan implements a temporary measure prohibiting people from the People’s Republic of China from entering Taiwan.


● 27日起,外籍人士只要14日內曾經入境或居住於中國大陸、香港或澳門,暫緩入境我國。即使有特殊原因,我駐外館處也不再受理簽證申請。
Starting February 7, 2020, Taiwan implements a temporary measure prohibiting foreign nationals who in the previous 14 days have visited or resided in the People’s Republic of China (PRC), including Hong Kong and Macao, from entering Taiwan. Entry visa applications by such foreign nationals, including those submitted for special reasons, will not be accepted by Taiwan’s overseas missions while this temporary measure is in effect.


Bureau of Consular, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (English Webpage)https://tinyurl.com/rp7o2be



Taiwan will impose a temporary entry restriction on Hong Kong and Macao people, starting 0:00 am of February 11. Only contracted business visitors, internal mobility of cross-national enterprises, spouses and under-aged children possessing a valid Taiwan Resident Certificate are exempted from this restriction.







Study at Ease Project for NCKU Students



  1. 居住中國大陸地區人士。
  2. 香港澳門居民(211日起)
  3. 外籍人士14日內曾經入境或居住於中國大陸、香港或澳門者。

Up to now, Taiwan has announced a temporary entry restriction on the following groups:

  1. People from China.
  2. People from Hong Kong and Macao.(from Feb. 11)
  3. Foreign nationals who in the previous 14 days have visited or resided in the People’s Republic of China (PRC), including Hong Kong and Macao.



A warm reminder, if you cannot return to school before the school start date of March 2nd, the “Study at Ease Project” launched by NCKU can help you. Through multiple education methods, such as online registration and course enrollment, online education and assessment, and flexible study mechanism, NCKU endeavors to assist students to complete study as scheduled.



To respond accordingly to the epidemic prevention of COVID-19, NCKU has postponed the payment deadline of spring semester to March 2nd, 2020. If you have not made the payment yet, please complete it as early as possible. Overseas students who have not made the payment due to epidemic prevention may apply for a School Payment Deferment. Please fill in the application form, scan and email it to the Registrar Division.



According to the recent contact results between the Office of International Affairs and NCKU’s sister universities in mainland China, many sister universities have responded that their school start date has not been determined due to the impacts of the epidemic. As the placement of their original students has yet to be arranged, they may not be able to accept more students from other universities now. Therefore, NCKU still recommends that students continue their studies through the online courses provided by the NCKU Study at Ease Project for COVID-19 Prevention. If students from mainland China have any questions, please feel free to discuss with the department. The Office of Academic Affairs is also willing to provide advice and assistance. If you encounter other difficulties, you can also seek for help from the Overseas and Mainland Chinese Students Affairs Division, Office of International Affairs. We are always here for you.









●School Payment Websitehttp://cashier.ufo.ncku.edu.tw/p/406-1096-96044,r541.php?Lang=zh-tw

Application for School Payment Deferment (Only for students who are unable to return to school due to epidemic prevention)


●Course Enrollment Website: http://course.ncku.edu.tw/course/

●NCKU Academic Registration Notice for the 2020 Spring Semester: https://tinyurl.com/qrvcjm5

●NCKU Study at Ease Project for COVID-19 Prevention (Mandarin & English): https://tinyurl.com/qvv32gy




成大更新版行事曆(中文網頁) https://tinyurl.com/r98q85r

In addition, in line with the government’s epidemic prevention policies, as well as to shoulder the responsibility to protect everyone in the NCKU, NCKU has postponed the start date of spring semester from the original February 17th to March 2nd. Please click to see more details:

NCKU Updated Academic Calendar (English Webpage) https://tinyurl.com/uxt3rba



For any question regarding tuition, miscellaneous fees and maximum years of study duration and other related information, please email to the Registrar Division http://reg.acad.ncku.edu.tw/.








Students Online Application System of National Immigration Agency



The Tainan City First Service Center of National Immigration Agency (NIA) highly suggests Foreign Students, Overseas Chinese Students and Students from Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macao who have entered Taiwan to apply for a resident visa or an extension of duration of stay through the Students Online Application System (https://tinyurl.com/tsth33y). Once an application is successfully received, it takes only five days to receive a resident visa or a renewal and can therefore effectively help avoid visa expiry. The Students Online Application System is safe, speedy and accessible 24-hour every day, saving your time from waiting on site and securing your health amid the coronavirus spread. International faculty who has questions regarding the resident visa, please check the NIA’s website and make online application (https://www.immigration.gov.tw/7152) as well. If you have questions using the online application system, please call NIA’s Service Line (02-27967162) or the Tainan City First Service Center (06-2937641).     





●Students Online Application System: https://tinyurl.com/tsth33y

●National Immigration Agency (NIA) Service Line: 02-27967162

●Tainan City First Service Center of NIA: 06-2937641







OCAC: Application Deadline of Overseas Chinese Students Scholarships & Grants

Postponed to Mar 16th






The Oversea Community Affairs Council also announced to postpone application deadline of Overseas Chinese Students Scholarships & Grants to Mar. 16th, 2020, in response to the coronavirus outbreak and the postponement of academic calendar, helping students with epidemic prevention. 

●The Oversea Community Affairs Council: https://tinyurl.com/vuqs37h







Temporary Ban from Certain Airports and International Cruise Ships



● 26日起國際郵輪禁止靠泊我國港口。

Starting February 6, 2020, international cruise ships will be banned from calling at ports of Taiwan.



Taiwan will impose a temporary ban on cross-strait passenger flights between Taiwan and certain airports in China starting 0:00 am of February 10 to 11:59 pm of April 29. Except for the flights to and from Beijing Capital International Airport, Shanghai Pudong International Airport, Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport, Xiamen Gaoqi International Airport and Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport, cross-strait flights to and from the remaining airports in China will be suspended. Travelers taking a transit through China, please double check and make sure if your flight can enter Taiwan or not.









Home Quarantine


居家檢疫對象說明Target Classification


1.     27日,已持有我國有效居留證而擬返臺的外籍人士,若在14日內曾經入境或居住於中國大陸、香港或澳門者,返臺之後將限制居住,並進行14日的「居家檢疫」措施。

From Feb. 7th, foreign nationals possessing a valid Taiwan Resident Certificate who in the previous 14 days have visited or resided anywhere in the People’s Republic of China(PRC), including Hong Kong and Macao, shall self-isolate at their home after returning to Taiwan and be under home quarantine for a period of 14 days.

2.     27日至210日入境台灣之港澳地區同學。

Hong Kong and Macau students who entered Taiwan between Feb. 7-10th.

3.     已持有我國有效居留證之僑生,若在14日內曾經入境或居住於中國大陸、香港或澳門者。

Overseas Chinese students possessing a valid Taiwan Resident Certificate who have visited or resided anywhere in the PRC, including Hong Kong and Macao in the previous 14 days.

4. 210日起所有旅客經中國大陸、香港及澳門「轉機」得入境臺灣者,一律居家檢疫14天。

From Feb. 10th, all travelers enter Taiwan via a transit through PRC, including Hong Kong and Macao, should be under home quarantine for a period of 14 days.


Travelers with travel history to South Korea (foreign nationals from 2/25, Taiwanese nationals from 2/27)




From Feb. 10th, all travelers enter Taiwan via a transit through the People’s Republic of China (PRC), including Hong Kong and Macao, and South Korea, should be under home quarantine for a period of 14 days. Therefore, NCKU would like to advise you to avoid taking flights with a transit through China, including Hong Kong and Macao, and South Korea. If your flights are unchangeable and you will be under the 14-day home quarantine, NCKU can help to offer a pick-up, isolated dormitory and three meals per day during the 14-day home quarantine in dormitory. However, please make sure to inform us as early as possible prior to your entry to Taiwan. For further details, please see below the NCKU Emergency Measures for Home Quarantine.





NCKU Emergency Measures for Home Quarantine



() 提醒接受居家檢疫者,抵台之前注意事項:

  1. 務必儘早抵台。
  2. 務必填寫問卷,提供資料,例如航班、機場等。
  1. 僑陸港澳生調查問卷(學位生,非交換生)https://forms.gle/BMLUwzHStHmwZaTS7
  2. 外籍生及校級交換生調查問卷:https://tinyurl.com/wld3t2a


  1. 自備「居家檢疫」期間所需用品,例如口罩、 個人藥品、個人清潔衛生用品。

() Students in “Home Quarantine” Group, please follow steps BEFORE YOU DEPART for Taiwan:

1. Must arrive at Taiwan as early as possible.

2. Must finish surveys to provide information such as flight(s) and airport.

(1)Hong Kong and Macau Students (degree students):


(2)Foreign Students (including all exchange students):


(also email to "em50990@email.ncku.edu.tw")

3.Prepare surgical masks, medicine for personal use and personal cleansing products.




1. 機場接機由校方協助安排專車至機場(桃園、台中、台南、高雄皆有駐點)接送,由成大負擔專車接機費用。請盡量搭乘校方安排之免費接機專車,若未能搭乘則需自費搭乘計程車返校(居家檢疫不得搭乘大眾運輸工具,否則會有1-15萬罰鍰)。

2. 住宿225日起,原訂校外住宿者,若需要入住學校宿舍,校方將收取每日150元住宿費用。原住宿學校宿舍者,無須支付額外費用。

3. 三餐餐點:14天檢疫期間校方可代為訂餐送餐給住宿舍者,但請務必填寫調查問卷,餐費費用由學生支付。

4. 訪客:14檢疫期間禁止訪客。

5. 寢具:有關住宿期間所需寢具,鼓勵同學可找人協助幫忙從原宿地點搬運寢具。若有購買寢具需求,可以透過接機時反應給駐點人員提出申請、可以在抵達學校辦理住宿時提出需求。

6. 為居家檢疫對象,但是已經入境者,仍然可提前告知並選擇入住學校宿舍,進行14天居家檢疫。

7. 仍建議同學請保留乘車、機票之收據和票根,未來若有爭取到補助時利於申請。

8. 天天量體溫與紀錄症狀,上下午各一次,請到成大COVID-19防疫資訊平台雲端紀錄(https://tinyurl.com/qw4p2un)。體溫測量,額溫37.5即屬發燒,請立即撥打防疫專線 1922依指示就醫。居家檢疫之前,若已經知道有需要進行醫療診斷,請於入住時告知住宿管理員。

9. 選擇於校外住宿「居家檢疫」學生須自行負責,包括衛生所或里長會進行不定期檢查或者主動回報。里長訪視或電訪不在兩次,將通報警方協尋。且須一人一室;出房門時,須與共同居住者保持至少1公尺以上之距離,務必配戴醫用口罩,及保持良好的衛生習慣。天天量體溫與紀錄症狀,上下午各一次,請到成大COVID-19防疫資訊平台雲端紀錄(https://tinyurl.com/qw4p2un)。體溫測量,額溫37.5即屬發燒,請立即撥打防疫專線 1922依指示就醫。

10. 如有違反居家檢疫規定逕自外出或搭乘大眾運輸工具者,將依「傳染病防治法」第58條、及同法第69條處新台幣1萬元至15萬元罰款。

()Students in “Home Quarantine” Group, please follow steps below UPON ARRIVAL at Taiwan:

  1. Airport pick-up: NCKU can arrange airport pick-up (Taoyuan, Taichung, Tainan and Kaohsiung). NCKU covers pick-up expense. Those who fail to take the pick-ups arranged by NCKU will have to take a taxi and cover their taxi expenses. Taking a public transportation is not allowed and will cause a penalty of NTD 10,000 to 150,000. Receive visitors is not allowed during the 14-day quarantine.
  2. School dormitory: From February 25th, students who live off-campus and want to move into the school dormitory will be charged for the dormitory fee of NT$ 150 per day. Students originally choose to live in dormitory will not be charged for extra fee.
  3. Meals: NCKU can order and deliver 3 meals during the 14-day quarantine for those living in school dormitory.
  4. Visitors: You are not allowed to receive visitors during the 14-day quarantine.
  5. Regarding the bedding, pillow and quilt, required during 14-day Home Quarantine, students are encouraged to find someone to help move in original bedding, pillow and quilt. If there is a need to purchase bedding, pillow and quilt, you can apply upon pick-up or chick-in at school dormitory.
  6. Students in “Home Quarantine” Group who have already entered Taiwan, can still move into school dormitory during the 14 days.
  7. There is no subsidy so far, but please still keep your pick-up receipts, flight receipts and boarding pass for future possibility.
  8. Check your body temperature twice every day; first time in morning, second time in the afternoon. Report through the on-line NCKU COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention Platform(https://tinyurl.com/qw4p2un). A body temperature over 37.5°C is regarded as a fever and please call the toll-free Communicable Disease Reporting and Consultation Hotline, 1922 and seek medical attention as instructed. If you, before the arrival, know that you need a medical diagnosis during 14-day home quarantine, please inform the accommodation manager when you check in.
  9. Students who are under home quarantine but choose to live off-campus, please take your own responsibility, receive irregular inspections or actively report daily health status to the Village Chief or Village Clerk of Bureau of Civil Affairs. During home quarantine period, you are only allowed to live in a suite or an isolated room. If you live in a shared apartment, please keep at least one meter away from others, wear a medical mask when going out of your room, and keep good hygiene habits. Check your body temperature twice every day; first time in morning, second time in the afternoon. Report through the on-line NCKU COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention Platform(https://tinyurl.com/qw4p2un). A body temperature over 37.5°C is regarded as a fever and please call the toll-free Communicable Disease Reporting and Consultation Hotline, 1922 and seek medical attention as instructed.
  10. People in the home quarantine gruop who go out, take public transportation or in violation of home quarantine regulations will be fined NT $ 10,000 to NT $ 150,000 according to the Article 58 and 69 of Communicable Disease Control Act.




1. 光三:0972-905381

2. 勝三:0965-154828

3. 臧台安組長:0905-261117

4. 英文網頁:http://housing.osa.ncku.edu.tw/index.php?Lang=en

■ Contacts of Housing Service Division:

1. Kuang-Fu 3: 0972-905381

2. Shengli 3: 0965-154828

3. Director Tsang Tai-an: 0905-261117

4. website: http://housing.osa.ncku.edu.tw/index.php?Lang=en






Taiwan’s Mask Policy for Foreign Nationals



Foreign residents who have health insurance, usually those who hold an Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) or an Alien Permanent Resident Certificate (APRC) should still use their health insurance card to purchase masks at designated pharmacies.


foreigners who don’t have a NHI card can purchase masks at designated pharmacies with their resident certificate or exit/entry permits.



In order to avoid long queues, residents should go to pharmacies according to the last digit of their ID number, residency number, or passport number. People are allowed to buy two face masks per week at NHI contracted pharmacies.



If the latter ends in an odd number, you are eligible to buy masks on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; even numbers should go on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Sundays are open to all.



Everyone is allowed to purchase for maximum one friend or family member as long as they bring their own health insurance card and the friend or family member’s national health insurance card.


中央健康保險署National Health Insurance Administration

  1. 網站 website: www.nhi.gov.tw
  2. 電話 tel: 0800-030-598 or 4128-678



各國語言的新型肺炎的新聞媒體平台Multilingual Coverage of the Novel Coronavirus Outbreak:  https://tinyurl.com/s4f4ngk


