僑務委員會僑生獎助學金申請延至3月16日 OCAC: Application Deadline of Overseas Chinese Students Scholarships & Grants Postponed to Mar 16th
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僑務委員會僑生獎助學金申請延至3月16日 OCAC: Application Deadline of Overseas Chinese Students Scholarships & Grants Postponed to Mar 16th
僑務委員會公告表示,為因應疫情以及各校開學日期延後,僑委會109年度受理捐贈僑生獎助學金申請期限順延至109年3月16日,請同學安心在家防疫。 ●僑務委員會僑生獎助學金網頁:https://tinyurl.com/vuqs37h
The Oversea Community Affairs Council also announced to postpone application deadline of Overseas Chinese Students Scholarships & Grants to Mar. 16th, 2020, in response to the coronavirus outbreak and the postponement of academic calendar, helping students with epidemic prevention. ●The Oversea Community Affairs Council: https://tinyurl.com/vuqs37h