
國立成功大學因應新冠肺炎COVID-19之赴外研習交換生相關對應措施 (20200314 1130)

最後更新日期 : 2020-03-20


NCKU COVID-19 Prevention and Corresponding Measures for

Outgoing Research, Study & Exchange Students


公告日期:2020314 下午1130

By Office of International Affairs, National Cheng Kung University

March 14, 2020, 11:30pm


In response to the rising outbreak of COVID-19, with the aim to protect students’ learning rights and to safeguard students’ health and safety, the Office of International Affairs (OIA), National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) reminds all Outgoing Research, Study & Exchange Students to keep close contact with your department and OIA. Through acquiring the students’ latest status and concerns, NCKU can then provide further assistances. Therefore, all Outgoing Research, Study & Exchange Students must complete:

「國立成功大學因應新冠肺炎COVID-19旅遊疫情警示--赴外交換研修學生意願聲明書」https://forms.gle/dj1GjyDX5yyAJekn8 。未滿20歲者,必須取得法定代理人或監護人同意,並且上傳獲得簽章之圖像檔。

“Declaration of Intent for NCKU Outgoing Research, Study & Exchange Students” (https://forms.gle/dj1GjyDX5yyAJekn8). Upload an image file of a Declaration of Intent signed by legal representative if you are under 20 years old.


In addition, in accordance with the Travel Notice Level released by the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC), OIA announced corresponding measures as below:


Starting from March 14th, students who have not started overseas travel:


Nations in Travel Notice Level 1 and 2:


NCKU Outgoing Exchange Students: advised to cancel or postpone the exchange. The International Relations Division of OIA will discuss with overseas university/institution about whether to keep original exchange qualification till next semester.    


Students applied for related Outgoing Research, Study & Exchange Scholarships of OIA: advised to cancel or postpone the exchange. For related scholarships regulations, please see the “COVID-19 Response Guidelines for Transnational Study & Research Scholarship Grants & Doctoral Students Study Abroad (Surf Project) Program.”


Nations in Travel Notice Level 3:

  1. 校級交換生:不得出國。國際事務處國際合作組與交換校協調是否保留其原校交換資格至下一學期

NCKU Outgoing Exchange Students: are not allowed to go abroad. The International Relations Division of OIA will discuss with overseas university/institution about whether to keep original exchange qualification till next semester.

  1. 申請國際處赴外研修相關獎學金生:不得出國。相關獎學金規定,請見因應疫情之「跨國雙向研修獎助學金及博士生世界徜徉計畫之獲獎生獎學金處理方式公告」。

Students applied for related Outgoing Research, Study & Exchange Scholarships of OIA: are not allowed to go abroad. For related scholarships regulations, please see the “COVID-19 Response Guidelines for Transnational Study & Research Scholarship Grants & Doctoral Students Study Abroad (Surf Project) Program.”


If the foreign government, Taiwan government or the overseas university/institution released a policy or order to suspend related academic activities, students are not allowed to go abroad. For related scholarships regulations, please see the “COVID-19 Response Guidelines for Transnational Study & Research Scholarship Grants & Doctoral Students Study Abroad (Surf Project) Program.” 


Starting from March 14th, students who have started overseas travel:


Nations in Travel Notice Level 1 and 2:


NCKU Outgoing Exchange Students: can follow the overseas university/institution’s teaching & learning arrangements to take courses, continue the overseas university/institution’s online courses after returning to Taiwan, or to end the exchange earlier and return to Taiwan.


Students applied for related Outgoing Research, Study & Exchange Scholarships of OIA: advised to postpone, return to Taiwan earlier, take the overseas university/institution’s online courses after returning to Taiwan, or to follow the overseas university/institution’s teaching & learning arrangements. For related scholarships regulations, please see the “COVID-19 Response Guidelines for Transnational Study & Research Scholarship Grants & Doctoral Students Study Abroad (Surf Project) Program.”


Nations in Travel Notice Level 3:


NCKU Outgoing Exchange Students: principally advised to return to Taiwan. However, students can still follow the overseas university/institution’s teaching & learning arrangements, to take the overseas university/institution’s online courses after returning to Taiwan, or to end the exchange earlier and return to Taiwan.


Students applied for related Outgoing Research, Study & Exchange Scholarships of OIA: principally advised to return to Taiwan. However, students can still follow the overseas university/institution’s teaching & learning arrangements, to take the overseas university/institution’s online courses after returning to Taiwan, or to end the exchange earlier and return to Taiwan. For related scholarships regulations, please see the “COVID-19 Response Guidelines for Transnational Study & Research Scholarship Grants & Doctoral Students Study Abroad (Surf Project) Program.”


If the foreign government, Taiwan government or the overseas university/institution released a policy or order to suspend related academic activities, students should return to Taiwan as soon as possible. For related scholarships regulations, please see the “COVID-19 Response Guidelines for Transnational Study & Research Scholarship Grants & Doctoral Students Study Abroad (Surf Project) Program.” If you are unable to return to Taiwan due to major force majeure factors, such as international flight restrictions, you must inform the school as soon as possible.


As the current epidemic situation of COVID-19 is serious, students must make decision after careful thinking, inform the NCKU's department of your latest status and keep close contact with NCKU.


  1. 成功大學新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)網頁資訊平台專區https://app.pers.ncku.edu.tw/ncov_web/
  2. 成大學生安心就學方案(中英雙語)https://tinyurl.com/qvv32gy
  3. 返國前,務必遵守當地政府防疫政策,保護自身健康安全。返國後務必遵守臺灣政府發布之防疫政策,配合進行居家檢疫。
  4. 若遭遇重大不可抗力因素無法返國,例如國際航運管制,務必盡速告知校方。
  5. 校級交換生,請參考「國立成功大學國際事務處校級薦外交換生因應嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(COVID-19)處理原則」,聯繫窗口為國際事務處國際合作組 em50961@email.ncku.edu.tw。校級交換生放棄資格或提前返國者,至下列網址確認建妥郵局帳號(https://expsys.ncku.edu.tw/pif/index.php?auth)進行後續保證金退還手續。請務必完成交換校規定之離校手續後再返國,返國後請Email通知國際處國合組。
  6. 赴外研修相關獎學金生,聯繫國際事務處國際化資訊與服務組 iisd01@email.ncku.edu.tw
  7. 其他赴外交換研修學生,聯繫相關系所。

¢ COVID-19 Prevention Information and Websites for NCKU Students:

1. NCKU COVID-19 Prevention & Control Platform: https://app.pers.ncku.edu.tw/ncov_web/

2. NCKU Study at Ease Program: https://tinyurl.com/qvv32gy

3. Before returning to Taiwan, must follow local epidemic prevention policies and protect your personal health and safety. After entering Taiwan, must follow Taiwan government's epidemic prevention policies and conduct Home Quarantine.

4. If you are unable to return to Taiwan due to major force majeure factors, such as international flight restrictions, you must inform the school as soon as possible.

5. NCKU outgoing exchange students should inform the International Relations Division, Office of International Affairs (em50961@email.ncku.edu.tw). Report about your Chunghwa Post Bank account number via https://expsys.ncku.edu.tw/pif/index.php?auth, and proceed refund procedures. Must complete related procedure and inform the overseas university before returning to Taiwan. After entering Taiwan, must inform International Relations Division, Office of International Affairs (em50961@email.ncku.edu.tw). 

6. Overseas Research & Study Scholarship Students or Surf Project for Doctoral Students, inform Internationalization Information and Service Division, Office of International Affairs (iisd01@email.ncku.edu.tw).

7. Other types, inform related department or offices.

