

最後更新日期 : 2021-05-26

Updated: 2021.5.26
All you NEED TO KNOW - Level 3 Restrictions of COVID-19

Dear students,

近期全球COVID-19疫情險峻,為阻斷目前的社區感染鏈,臺灣自5/19起提升至第3級警戒,過去幾天我們的生活和週遭有了很大的變化,人們外出全程一律需配戴口罩,餐廳暫停於店內飲食,只提供外帶服務,進入商店要掃瞄QR code配合實聯制記錄。
As COVID-19 cases continue to emerge in multiple counties and cities across the country, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) has declared that Level 3 restrictions are imposed nationwide from May 19. Over the past few days, you might notice our society is somewhat different than before - people in the streets are wearing masks at all times, restaurants provide take-away only, and you are required to scan a QR code for real-name registration before walking into any shop.

In addition to that, you might also receive lots of information from school regarding new implemented regulations in accordance with the related restrictions announced by the CECC. In consideration that the information may come in pieces when things are changing rapidly, we are writing this email to ensure you don't miss out any important information. 
So please make sure you read the following very carefully:

General Preventive Measures of COVID-19

1. 儘量宅在家,非必要不要外出。
2. 停止室內5人以上、室外10人以上之聚會。若有外地親友來訪,請勿違反聚會規定。
3. 外出或於室內場所無法保持安全社交距離時應全程配戴口罩。
4. 出入公共場所請切實配合實聯制,提供個人必要資訊記錄足跡。
5. 隨時注意及保持個人健康。
1. Stay home
2. Indoor gatherings are limited to five people, while outdoor gatherings are restricted to 10. Please follow the rules if the related and friends visit you.
3. People must wear masks at all times when venturing out. Masks and social distancing required at all businesses or venues that remain open.
4. Real-name registration.
5. Keep Healthy.

Campus Related Restrictions
NCKU is in correspondence with the nationwide COVID-19 epidemic level 3 restrictions, please cooperate with the following announcements.
1. 自5月19日起本校實施校園門禁,禁止校外人、車入校。(https://reurl.cc/Lb1jja)
2. 自即日起至本學期結束,全面線上授課、線上評量。(https://reurl.cc/KAKyye) 
3. 請務必每日至學校系統(https://reurl.cc/83l4lo) 紀錄個人每日體溫及症狀狀況。若曾出入確診者足跡場所者,請回報學校,若出現發燒、咳嗽等呼吸道症狀請戴上口罩並至醫療院所就醫,診療後而需要進行PCR採檢者,請聯繫校安中心(24小時06-2757575分機55555),學校將進行後續協助。
- 隨著確診案例數量增加,追蹤聯繫難度也提高,同學可透過非官方「Google 確診者足跡分佈圖」(https://reurl.cc/GmkZrd) 避開高風險區保護自己,但仍請隨時留意中央疫情流行指揮中心 (https://reurl.cc/Lbj9G7) 及臺南市政府 (https://www.tainan.gov.tw/) 最新公告,掌握第一手資訊。
4. 讀書及討論空間防疫調整
(1). 圖書館服務調整(https://reurl.cc/1YQjg9) 
A. 僅開放總館與醫分館流通櫃台,其他如閱覽區和書庫皆不開放。
B. 總圖書館1F單一入口出入館,B3F和B1F出入口關閉,同時間在館人數以不超過3人為原則。
C. 新K館5/19 20:00開始至6/15 8:00 不開放
(2). 24小時討論空間(https://reurl.cc/R0dn0z): 學生創意討論空間D-24及及未來館2樓Kafe自5/19 17:00起閉館至學期結束。
5. 停辦學生實體活動(https://reurl.cc/lRLkR6)
(1). 學生社團實體活動一律停辦,線上會議仍可進行。相關實體活動直至防疫警戒降低為第二級才可辦理,惟學校仍隨時進行滾動式修正。
(2). 5/19 18:00起,學生活動中心暨芸青軒閉館,閉館期限直至防疫警戒降低為第二級,學校同樣隨時進行滾動式修正。
(3). 其他學生活動相關防疫事項請參考學生活動發展組網站資訊。(https://reurl.cc/Dg1nZm)
6. 學生宿舍防疫規定:請參考住宿服組網站有關三級防疫措施公告。(https://reurl.cc/R0dnbD)
7. 最後,請持續留意學校COVID-19 網頁資訊平台專區相關資訊。(https://reurl.cc/83l42M)

1. NCKU implements campus entry restrictions (https://reurl.cc/1YQj2Y) effective from 5/19. No outsiders or non-NCKU vehicles will be allowed entry.
2. Online courses (https://reurl.cc/R0dnjD) will be conducted throughout the 2021 spring semester.
3. Please report your daily health conditions at the COVID-19 online questionnaire (https://reurl.cc/83l4lo). If you have been to places where confirmed cases visited, please do report to school. If you start to display coronavirus-like symptoms, do wear a face mask and seek medical advice immediately at a nearby hospital. If you become a suspected case after diagnosis and require to be screened, you need to inform our Campus Security Report Center (24-hr hotline: 06-2757575 ext. 55555). The University will contact you to provide help and care.
- As contact tracing has become very difficult in the wake of a surge of confirmed local cases, netizens have marked out potential hot spots for infections on Google Maps(https://reurl.cc/W34a1e). However, it is important to note that the maps do not carry the imprimatur of the CECC. Kindly refer to CECC (https://reurl.cc/gWvkQb) and the Tainan City Government (https://www.tainan.gov.tw/en/) as primary reference.
4. Reading and Discussion Spaces
a. Library Services (https://reurl.cc/mLd6D7) 
i. Only the main library and medical library will keep providing services. Information desks in the main library and medical library will only be available for pickup. Reading area and any stack in the libraries will be closed.
ii. Main entrance and exit door on the 1st floor will be marked for single entry and exit. The entrance and exit doors on B1 and B3 will be closed. No more than three people at any one time can be presented in the main library. KnowLEDGE will be closed from 8 p.m. May 19 to 8 a.m. June 15, 2021.
b.  D-24 Service (https://reurl.cc/83l40g)
Places like D-24 as well as Kafe located on the second floor of Future Atelier will be closed till the end of this semester.
5. Student Events
a. The details about the university commencement will be announced by the Graduation Student Association; the individual graduation ceremony held by the college/department needs to meet the requirement of Epidemic Level 3 Alert.
b. All NCKU student events need to be cancelled until the alert is back to level 2; online meetings are not included. Student Activity Center I and II (Yun Ching Xuan) will be closed from May 19th 18:00, and re-opened when the alert is back to level 2.
c. For student events related to epidemic prevention measures, please refer to the website (https://reurl.cc/Dg1nZm) of the Student Development and Activities Division. 
6. Student Dormitory
NCKU student dormitory takes the following strengthened control measures and cooperates with Level 3 epidemic prevention. Please pay attention to the announcement (https://reurl.cc/qgDzvy) for further details.
7. Latest news regarding Covid-19 epidemic will be updated on NCKU COVID-19 Prevention Platform: https://app.pers.ncku.edu.tw/ncov_web/

Thank you for your cooperation to protect heath for yourself and all people.

Office of International Affairs, NCKU
