
2021年國立成功大學與馬來西亞、越南及泰國共同研究計畫專案 徵件公告 2021 NCKU Joint Research Program with Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand Call for Proposals

最後更新日期 : 2021-02-01



2021 NCKU Joint Research Program with Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand  

Call for Proposals



本專案主要鼓勵有經驗之傑出學者帶領跨領域研究團隊、結合優秀博士人才培育,著重支持已有海外合作基礎經驗之團隊,持續深化擴展與運用研究量能。過去與此三國未曾有過合作經驗者,建議申請其他計畫補助,例如SATU Joint Research Scheme Program

The National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) has launched its Overseas Hubs in Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand to promote network with overseas enterprises, governments and academic institutes in these three nations. With the aim to further deepen the international research cooperation between NCKU and the above mentioned nations, and with the problem-solving strategy toward global issues and challenges through an interdisciplinary and international academic energy integration and like-minded endeavors, the NCKU Overseas Hubs Office especially launches this Joint Research Program.

The 2021 NCKU Joint Research Program encourages experienced outstanding scholars to lead interdisciplinary research teams, cultivate PhD students, and mainly supports the teams which have existing cooperation experiences in Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand to continuously deepen, broaden and apply their research resources and results. Therefore, if you have no previous overseas joint research experiences with the said nations, we would like to recommend you to apply for funding from other programs instead, such as the SATU Joint Research Scheme Program.

二、申請資格Application Requirements


Application Unit (Executive Unit) should be NCKU’s teaching unit, research unit or interdisciplinary research team consists of 2 persons or above.


Applicant (Project Investigator) should be NCKU faculty and a qualified PI for MOST Research Project Grants.


A Letter of Intent from the partner in Malaysia, Vietnam or Thailand is a must.

()研究計畫須符合聯合國永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs),或其他於區域或全球具備重要影響力之相關議題。

Topic of research project should be in accordance with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals or other important regional or global issues.  


三、審查重點Review Focus


Applicant’s (Project Investigator’s) previous research achievements and international cooperation experiences.


Research goal should be an important and pending problem in science area or a multifaceted and complicated practical issue with discursive basis.


The interdisciplinary nature of the research project and the regional or global importance of the research topic.


Research cooperation with government, industry, or NGO/NPO is preferred.


An interdisciplinary team which creates experience inheritance.


Participation of doctoral students during research process.


Which SDGs are addressed in the research project and how.

四、申請繳交資訊與文件Application Information and Documents

() 基本資料Basic information (in both Chinese and English)

  1. 申請單位(即執行單位)之中英文名稱。

Application Unit (Executive Unit)

  1. 申請人(計畫主持人)之中英文姓名。

Applicant (Project Investigator)

  1. 計畫主持人以及申請單位成員之中英文院系名稱、中英文職稱、中英文姓名、電話、電子郵件。

Department, title, name, telephone number, and email of the PI and team members

  1. 海外合作成員之中英文機構名、中英文部門名稱、中英文職稱、中英文姓名、電郵。

Institute, Department, title, name and email of overseas member(s)

  1. 培育之博士生中英文院系名稱、中英文姓名、電話、電子郵件。

Department, name, telephone number, and email of the doctoral student(s)

() 研究計畫Research Plan (in both Chinese and English)

  1. 研究計畫中英文名稱。

Topic of Research Plan

  1. 研究計畫中英文摘要,以500字為限。

Abstract no more than 500 words

  1. 概述執行本計畫之目的及可能產生對社會、經濟、學術發展等面向的預期影響性,研究計畫扣合哪一項聯合國永續發展目標(SDGs)及如何扣合。限中英文各150字以內。此部分內容於獲核定後將逕予公開或用於相關宣傳。

Outline purpose of implementing this plan, and the expected impact on social, economic, academic development, etc. Which SDGs are addressed in the research project and how.   Limited to 150 words each in Chinese and English.

This part will be made public or used for related publicity after the project plan receives approval.

  1. 概述執行本計畫時如何培育種子博士學生,限中英文各300字以內。此部分內容於獲核定補助後將逕予公開或用於相關宣傳。

Outline how to cultivate the participated doctoral students when implementing this project. Limited to 300 words each in Chinese and English.

This part will be made public or used for related publicity after the project plan receives approval.

  1. 舉辦兩場視訊講座之具體展現方式,包含活動方式、參加人數、邀請對象、預期效益,須達100字以上。

Concrete plan of co-hosting two virtual webinars or lectures, including activity format, participant number expected, target groups of invitation, and expected outcomes. Over 100 words.    

()研究成果及有利條件Research Achievements and Strengths

  1. 2016年至2020年計畫主持人於學術成大之被引用次數列表。

PI’s citation number on Research NCKU during 2016-2020.

  1. 2016年至2020年計畫主持人與馬來西亞、越南與泰國三國人員共同發表之合著論文列表,請依序列明論文名稱、合著者姓名、發表日期、以及發表期刊。

PI’s co-authored papers with overseas partners in Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand during 2016-2020. Please list the paper titles, names of co-authors, publication date and journal name.

  1. 2016年至2020年國際基金、研究計畫申請證明,如APEC Project FundingEECSUN等,請依序列明日期、計畫案名稱。

Proofs of the applications of international funding and research plans, such as APEC Project Funding, EECS and UN, during 2016-2020. Please list the dates and project title.

  1. 泰國、馬來西亞或越南三國產官學機構人員合作同意書掃描檔。

A Letter of Intent from the partner in Malaysia, Vietnam or Thailand is a must.

() 繳交方式Submission Method


Provide above-mentioned information, including Basic information, Research Plan, Research Achievements and Strengths, and complete submission through the following link: https://tinyurl.com/y64pzx78. Please also upload the application in an editable Word document.

五、經費補助說明Subsidy Information


   Subsidy Duration: May to December, 2021.


The 2021 Joint Research Program provides subsidy to up to 12 merit projects. Maximum subsidy amount of NT$ 300,000 per case.


Two stages of subsidy distribution:

  1. 第一期款:每案核定種子經費新臺幣10萬元。

First stage: seed money of NT$ 100,000 per approved case.

  1. 第二期款:20211031日前提交下列證明文件後,方核撥剩餘經費,兩項證明須同時提出:

Second Stage: subsidy distribution after the approved application unit provides the following documents before October 31st, 2021. Proofs of below items should be submitted at the same time.

  1. 提出2021年雙方共著國際期刊論文證明(包含投稿證明),增加補助額度15萬元。

After providing proofs of a co-authored international journal (including proof of submission) in 2021, the approved application unit will be allowed to increase subsidy amount by NT$ 150,000.

  1. 提出2021年雙方合辦兩場視訊講座之證明,增加補助額度5萬元。

After providing proofs of co-hosted virtual webinars or lectures in 2021, the approved application unit will be allowed to increase subsidy amount by NT$ 50,000.

()補助經費項目Subsidy Reimbursement Items


Operating expenses: Other current expenditure other than personnel costs and foreign travel, including flight tickets for short incoming visit, transportation expenses, domestic travel expenses, part-time workers' salary, consumables, etc.    

六、共研計畫參與義務Obligation and Requirements.


Awarded teams must participate in the NCKU Overseas Week scheduled to take place during November 8-12th (TBD), 2021.


七、規劃期程Program Schedule

日期 Date

期程 Schedule

2/1 – 3/10

公告並開放申請 Announcement and Application


申請截止 Deadline of Application

3/10 – 4/10

審查及公文簽核 Review and Internal Approval Procedure


以電郵發布錄取通知 Acceptance Notification via email

5/1 – 12/31

研究計畫執行期間 Duration of Project Execution

5/1 – 12/15

申請補助核銷期間Duration of Subsidy Reimbursement


第二期款證明(共著國際期刊及合辦兩場視訊講座)提交截止Submission deadline of the second stage proofs (co-authored international journal and co-hosted virtual webinar)


成大海外週 NCKU Overseas Week


        國際事務處 薛雅翠  ellenhsueh@gs.ncku.edu.tw / 06-2757575*50959 

           (Ms. Ellen Hsueh, Project Manager, Office of International Affairs)
